Sex Ed 102 DVD Set

I’m hoping to make a Sex Ed 102 DVD Set, if you’d like to help or want more info please check out;

The set would include;

Disc 1: Sex Ed 102: For The Girls
– a disc covering the female sexual anatomy, how it changes during
puberty, female hygiene, what’s “normal” and what to expect, as well as
the sexual response cycle as it relates to females.

Disc 2: Sex Ed 102: For The Boys
– a disc covering the male sexual anatomy, how it changes during puberty,
male hygiene, what’s “normal” and what to expect, as well as the sexual
response cycle as it relates to males.

Disc 3: Sex Ed 102: Birth Control
– from condoms to abstinence and everything in between. This disc will cover how pregnancy occurs and show how each of the methods of protection work, how to use them properly, what they are made of, pro’s and con’s of each, how they are obtained and trouble shooting issues (side effects) that often come with the product.

Disc 4: Sex Ed 102: STD’s & Protection
– a disc that will include all of the information regarding STD’s, methods of testing, symptoms, treatment options, methods of protection, how to obtain them and ways of being ‘sexually active’ that reduce the risks of transmission.

Disc 5: Sex Ed 102: Methods of Arousal
– this disc will focus on the “how to’s” of sexual exploration including; masturbation for females and males, oral sex techniques, manual stimulation of a partner, sexual positions (including pro’s and cons of each), massage techniques for stimulation, and foreplay ideas. There would be no graphic sexual images, instead, instructed demonstrations using props.

Disc 6: Sex Ed 102: Busting the Myths
– from tales of old (you can get pregnant from swimming backward) to myths of today (you can get pregnant from oral sex), this disk with debunk the most common myths associated with sexual intercourse and provide the truthful answers people need to make informed decisions.

Bonus Disc 7: Sex Ed 102: ‘Toys’ and Games
– this disk will teach the viewer what to look for in a sexual wellness product, how to choose one, the different materials used in creating such products, what’s safe for use and what’s not, how to use specific products, special precautions to keep in mind that will help a product last longer and a review of Kara_Sutra’s current top 10 products (with a coupon for 15%)

You can find my Sex Ed 102 videos here:

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One Response to Sex Ed 102 DVD Set

  1. kirsty November 11, 2010 at 5:28 am #

    I really think this is a good idea. and the whole family can use it lol. I mean you can give the first two disc to you females and males, disc 3 and 4 to older teenages who are or about to have sex. and then the rest for older people. it a win win really grate idea Kara

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