If there is a line of male sexual wellness products I’m constantly asked about (other than the Fleshlight or Bathmate), it’s the fantastic, discreet and curious ones that Tenga makes. For those of you not familiar with the company, Tenga is the Japanese manufacturer of such innovative male products as the Tenga Air Cushion, Tenga Soft Tube Cup and the adorable Tenga Eggs.
*watch my review of the Tenga Soft Tube Cup here.
Due to the fact that most companies don’t want to send male products my way I haven’t been able to cover very many of them. Fortunately, thanks the forward thinking folks at SexToy.com I was able to get my hands on a 6 pack of Tenga Eggs just so I could review them for all of you.
*by saying “I could review them” I mean hand out 4 (one each) to 4 of my closest male friends in return for their honest feedback. With that in mind, you can be assured you’ll get more than one point of view here and the feedback will be from those that actually had the chance to try them since sadly, I can’t.
Much like a 6 pack of real eggs, Tenga Eggs come in a transparent flip lid egg carton container with each egg security sealed inside. There is nothing on the package to state that it’s meant for masturbation purposes. In fact, the only thing that could hint to it would be the words “New Adult Concept” found on the top sticker (written in very tiny print). Even with that in mind I don’t think it’s something a person would necessarily associate with sex.
In truth, it looks more like a product you’d find in Toys ‘R Us as an accessory for a Betty Crocker kitchen set than an actual sexual wellness product.
Once you open the lid of the egg carton you’ll find 6 eggs individually sealed for your safety, again having nothing on them to hint they’re meant for masturbation purposes. As for the writing, it’s in Japanese so even if someone found them they wouldn’t know what they are – possibly mistaking them for a Kinder Egg more than anything else.
The Good
Removing the security seal is extremely simple; just tear down the perforated seam, remove the wrapping and there you’ll find a hard casing that looks exactly like an egg shell– seriously, it looks like a plastic freakin egg!
*there’s nothing written on the “shell” to say what it is, so if you happened to leave it out there wouldn’t be much to worry about.
Once you have the “shell” exposed just press along the seam and it will pop open allowing you to remove it with ease revealing a soft, squishy, pliable, supple, odorless, semi transparent, hollow, stretchy, body safe, extremely discreet and egg shaped male masturbation sleeve.
Like most of the Tenga products the Tenga Eggs are made of a body safe elastomer making them phthalate free, slightly porous, hypoallergenic, easy to care for, durable, latex free and exceptionally soft.
When it comes to using it, located on the bottom is a thumb sized hole that stretches to fit your penis, just coat the inside of the egg with some lube (sample sized package included), stick yourself inside and start stroking! It really is that simple.
On that note, one of the things I loved about the product was how easily everyone said it was to use; there was nothing intimidating or confusing about it, no buttons to push, intense steps to follow, precautions to keep in mind, batteries to buy, or worry that they might not “fit” inside it. It’s simple and that’s why they loved it!
By now I’m sure a lot of you are wondering what it feels like, I know I was extremely curious, so this is the feedback I got from each of my male testers:
*Out of respect for their privacy I’m refraining from using names.
Tester 1 (wavy texture)
“At first I didn’t know what to think about it, the concept was cool but it seemed a little odd, after all you asked me to f*ck an egg *laughing*. Once I got over the initial weirdness factor it was actually pretty good. It’s easy to use and moves nicely. It gives you lots of control of how pressure is applied and the internal things (texture) feel really interesting. If it was a higher price I don’t think it would be worth it but for less than ten dollars it’s a really good deal. Plus it’s a hell of a lot more discreet than a Fleshlight. Aside from that, I’m never really worried someone will find it and if they do it’s no big deal.”
When asked if he’d recommend it: “Definitely, especially for people who still live at home or in a dorm room. I never bought a Fleshlight because I was afraid someone would find it, I didn’t worry once with this.”
Tester 2 (spider texture)
“They’re cute and convenient, the design and marketing is pretty awesome. If you had one in your room no one would think anything of it, I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t even know what it was. Thank God I’m not in University anymore, but if I was I’d have one since I’d never worry about leaving it lying around. The texture is great and the material is really soft, like really, really soft. It’s incredibly flexible and to be honest, when you’re f*cking it it feels like a marshmallow. Yes I know how stupid that sounds but it does, and I mean that in a good way. You’ve given me stuff before and it’s been tight or rough or just uncomfortable, this is the exact opposite.”
When asked if he’d recommend it: “Of course, actually I think it would make for a great little gift to give a boyfriend because it’s not something most people would get jealous of or be scared they might get replaced by. I’ve actually already suggested it to people just cause I think it’s so cool.”
Tester 3 (twister texture)
“Honestly, I was a little wierded out at first. It just seems so strange – it’s an egg!! I’d never even think of doing it with an egg, but this thing is actually pretty incredible. It feels soft and squishy, stretches well and even though it pulled a little on my foreskin it didn’t hurt. It’s still a little weird when I think about it, but if they’re making vibrators that look like caterpillars and ducks I guess this is no big deal.”
*in regard to the “it pulled a little” statement – he didn’t use any lube so that may be why. Once he’s used it again with lube I’ll update this with his feedback.
When asked if he’d recommend it: “Yeah sure, why not? It’s not like its something scary or freaky looking. It’s better than I thought it would be and it’s a lot more discreet than other things you try and give me. I’d be worried if someone found a fake pussy in my room, but an egg, I guess it’s no big deal”
Tester 4 (silky texture)
“This thing is awesome! Really, I love it. It’s small, easy to use, feels great, is really flexible, doesn’t hurt and it’s super soft. I wasn’t sure if I’d fit inside it but it stretched quite a bit. My only advice is to add the lube first, like put a little puddle inside, then stick yourself in. I wasn’t sure what I was doing at first and tried putting in the lube after I had my dick in it. Let’s just say I made a huge mess, there was lube everywhere. Other than that first mishap, which is my own fault, I think it’s amazing!”
When asked if he’d recommend it: “Hells yeah! I’ve already ordered a 6 pack of them online to give as joke gifts. Even though I’m giving them as a “joke” I also know the dudes I’m giving them to will use them, even if it’s just out of curiosity. Besides, all you girls get a shit load of toys, it’s about time us guys got some cool ones too!”
So there you have it folks, first hand experiences from the guys that used them and based on their feedback, I think I’m allowed my due share of penis envy!
As for the stats, the eggs roughly measure 3 inches in length (when not in use)and stretch to 12 inches (when in use). That said the girth doesn’t really matter considering that when in use it thins out and doesn’t retain its egg shape.
Care & Cleaning
In regard to lubes I would only personally suggest a good water based lube. If you use an oil, cream, lotion, silicone or gel product it might make the product rather hard to clean and worse yet, might ruin it.
*For those of you that regularly jerk off with hand cream, please don’t use it with this product. It’s just not good.
Cleaning is a breeze as they can be washed with mild soap and water, rinsed well and left to air dry. Keep in mind that because they are made of elastomer they are porous (meaning they absorb bodily fluid, bacteria and lube) so you might want to wash them rather well. If you’d like to keep the cleaning to a minimum you can wear a condom while masturbating which would eliminate the culmination of bodily fluid, bacteria and lube. Once their dry you can easily just place back inside their “shell” for safe keeping.
The Bad
Other than the fact that they’re meant for ‘one time use only’ there is nothing I disliked about the adorable Tenga Eggs. Actually, because cleaning is so easy I think they could be used quite a few times before you felt the need to discard them. Now add a condom and you’ve prolonged the life span five fold.
The lube on the other hand is something I did have a bit of an issue with – not only is it rather goopey and slimy, it also stinks! Once you’ve used it (because I know most of you will) get a good bottle of water based lube and use that from then on. Trust me, it’s really not that great.
Final Verdict
I’m not sure what else to say other than I think the adorable Tenga Eggs are a definite innovation where male masturbation sleeves are concerned!
They’re easy to use, extremely discreet, made from body safe material, are phthalate and latex free, latex compatible (for use with condoms), can be used in or out of the shower, feel great (based on the responses I got), are soft and supple, easy to care for and clean, are very durable, stretch very well and most importantly at only $6.60 for a single egg or $39.53 for a 6 pack they are very, very affordable.
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Been thinking about trying these out for awhile. I guess I will most def have to get my hand on some of these.
You should review the RudeBoy, been thinking about trying that out too.
This is the first male sex toy I’ve seen which wouldn’t scare the crap out of my boyfriend!
I’ve seen so many tacky toys that it’s nice to find one which doesn’t look intimidating.
All the guys I gave them to said they left them out in the open on a daily basis (forgetting they did it) and they never once worried if someone found them. I think they’re amazing considering how discreet they are! 🙂