Granted I’m not the best chess player, in fact I’m far from it… but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a challenge now and then, and with a stunning set like this, I can’t help but wonder if a losing a quick game would be worth it.
From the same company that created seriously pretty packaging for M.A.C., redefined how you get your morning coffee and worked with fourty-four 8th grade students on re-designing key elements of their environment even if it does resemble a batch of Ikea furniture, comes a forward thinking, totally luxurious and exceptionally high end chess set; each of the 32 pieces doubles as a vibrator, complete with matte and glossy textures, medical grade silicone and ABS surfaces (so it’s totally body safe), a handmade walnut game board and wait for it… gold-plate detailing. Ohhhh. Ahhhhh.
With all that I guess there’s only one question to ask: what’s it gonna cost you?
A cool $10,000.
Yeah, you read right. Ten. Thousand. Dollars. For some people that’s a down payment on a house, a new car, a portion of University tuition, a backpacking trip across the globe, or the end to debt… for others it’s a mind-fuck followed by diddling game of chess.
Though I will admit, they don’t look like anything too special, sexually speaking of course – except for the castles, which are slightly reminiscent of the We-Vibe Touch, or the Knights, just because I think they might be great for shallow g-spot stimulation. The rest however, meh. For $10,000 I’d expect much more.
Feel free to check them out at Kiki De Montparnasse… or think of all the other things ten grand could buy. Your call.
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