#FunFindFriday: Crystal Sex Toys

When I first saw these stunning rose quartz dildos online I was taken aback by their beauty, functionality, ergonomic design, and most importantly, the fact that they’re crafted from real crystal, a material that’s not only body safe, but also very near and dear to my spiritual heart.

Before launching into the world of sex toys I made a living as a part-time tarot card reader. Yes, you read that correctly. I worked the phone lines. Did private sessions. I used my ‘gift’ to help raise funds at charities, worked Halloween parties, bars, and salons, I even held parties (sort of like the Tupperware/Sex Toy/Scentsy parties you hear about) where readings were offered rather than a physical object, and for the most part, I made a good living at it. I had a list of regulars with whom I became friends, with many of them referring my services as they came to trust what was said.

Whether or not you believe in that type of thing really doesn’t matter to me. I just know it was something I was good at, liked, and felt good doing.  It grounded me in a way many previous things hadn’t, and more importantly, it allowed me to ‘connect’ to both myself and the world around me in quite a remarkable way.

The point of this babbling… through those readings came a snowball effect, one that lead to studying the meaning of crystals, numerology, runes, astrology, chakras, and the like. In short, these products carry a bit more meaning in my world than they would for someone who’s not so well versed.

For me, they go beyond the realm of ‘sex toy’; they’re works of art carved from one of the most beautiful materials our planet can produce, with the ability to carry energy, shift emotions, heal, and restore in a way others can’t. I know, I know, I probably sound like I’m spewing a bunch of bullshit hocus-pocus-mumbo-jumbo you’d expect from the likes of our friend Miss Cleo… of course that’s not my intention (nor the way I made a living, don’t get it twisted).

Well, you can imagine my excitement when I came to see that there was an ENTIRE LINE of sexy crystal sex toys available!

Magical or not, you have to admit they are rather gorgeous, and that’s more than enough to leave me lusting for the day I can call one mine.

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