Forgive me for being late to the party, but this post just NEEDED to be included in #FunFindFriday before the Kickstarter campaign ends a mere 2 days from now.
Never heard of Period Panties? Not to worry, neither had I. Then I found this twitter thread started by Property Of Potter and I all but lost my shit.
Okay, okay, this isn’t something that’ll interest everyone. A bunch of you might even get a little pissy, what with him using the word “CUNT”, calling a bleeding vadge an “EVIL BEAVER“, poking fun at the menstrual cycle, and talking about periods as if “period sex” isn’t an option when Aunt Flow comes to town… it’s admittedly a little lowbrow, pandering to an audience that isn’t the most informed or aware when it comes to menstruation.
And yes, it seems part of the apparent marketing was to tap into the “periods are gross” jargon we’ve been fed for decades… but here’s where I think it’s different from all the other bullshit:
Talking to my partner about my period (in explicitly graphic detail) has never made me cringe. I probably share way more than I should, and I have no problem with it. Neither does he, for the most part anyways. He only gets a little wide eyed and white in the face when I use the word “globs”. I’m not a fan of the word either, so I really don’t blame him… however this isn’t the case for everyone.
I know a lot of people with vadges who are totally put off discussing their bits (generally), let alone what time of the month it is. And when they finally open up, some do get grossed out, others feel it’s tmi, some instantly turn red with embarrassment, others think it’s totally inappropriate no matter the time or place. Looking at all the adverts telling us we’re ‘unsanitary’, ‘not so fresh’, and ‘unhygienic’, it’s clear to see we’ve been brainwashed to believe that periods = bad, and talking about it = worse.
Everything considered, maybe it takes is a middle finger giving kitty or a gun toting unicorn to open the doors of communication. And in the end, isn’t that what we want… people talking about their bodies in a way that makes them feel empowered?
It might just be me, but I think it’s one little step in the right direction.

bleeder of the pack : bloody hell
And let’s be real, the graphics are amazeballs. Blood or no blood.
Though I will admit, I think some of them would be better without the ‘name’ written on the front. There is no time, even when on my period, that I want anyone calling my vadge a “sour puss”. That shit’s just not cool.
As it stands, Anthony Hall (the graphic genius behind the panties) has raised over $350,000 to bring them to market. Pretty impressive considering he was only looking for $10,000.
What does that tell me?
If you want a pair of your own, or simply want to help someone do something they love (even if it is making period underwear), head over to his Period Panties: Kickstarter page.
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These are hilarious! I’d buy these, and not just because I like the panties. I’m very open with The Husband with all of my body functions, especially because of his job in the medical field. He’d get a huge laugh. They would literally be my period panties. 😉
Omg, these are freaking too cute. I want me some!