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Crystal Delights Sex Toy Haul

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Sex Ed 102 Sex Toy Haul: Crystal Delights

crystal-delightsAfter the fun I had creating my Tantus Haul video I figured I’d do more of the same. So, in a fit of inspiration I tore through my toy bins searching for anything else I had an abundance of; from Fleshlights to Lelo, Fun Factory  to different lubes, there was a plethora of goodies to work with.

Torn by where I should start, I decided my first haul video of 2014 would showcase products by a company I’ve adored for last 4 years, one that is very near and dear to my heart, Crystal Delights.

Why the love for Crystal Delights you ask?

Each piece is hand made in the USA with an emphasis on quality and craftsmanship, the glass they use is Borosilicate making them much stronger than typical glass products, they’re hypoallergenic, hygienic, non-toxic, phthalate and latex free, easy to care for an clean, warm to body temperature nicely, don’t require a lot of lube, don’t absorb bodily fluids, lube, or bacteria, are great for sensory temperature play, and will last a lifetime if you treat them well. Which you will, because you’re a respectable person like that.

Sadly, my pictures do not do them justice. They are far prettier in person.

Products within the video (in order of appearance):

crystal-delights-close-upRead the reviews: Star Delight Frosted Dildo, Frosted Plug, Small Clear Plug, Large Clear Plug. *The rest of the products featured in the video to be reviewed throughout 2014.

Note To Readers: If you’re a little freaked out by the thought of putting glass sex toys in your bits, not to fret. Each Crystal Delight is made of Borosilicate glass, a medical/pharma grade glass often selected for its durability and ability to withstand high temperatures/pressures.

I know there’s many of you still dead set on avoiding glass toys, so as my final plea let me just share two little facts with you…

First, it takes more than 1,500 lbs of pressure to bend (snap) a 1″ bar of Borosilicate glass. Second, the crush weight is somewhere in the range of 8 tonnes! So unless you chip them, which you wont… because you’re not a horrible person that likes to throw glass sex toys at brick walls, they are totally safe for use.

crystal-delights-crystalNot in the video, but other goodies you’ll definitely want to check out: Hello Kitty Plugs, Reignbow Pony Plugs, Crystal Minx Bunny Tail Plug, Crystal Minx Faux Tail Plug, Funfetti Plug, Glow in the Dark Plug and Glow in the Dark Dildo.

If you’d like to get your hands on your own Crystal Delights products, view their offerings, or look for the best prices, I’d suggest shopping at my favourite stores; SheVibe, and Babeland.

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Review: Star Delight Frosted Dildo

Crystal Delights Swarovski Frosted Dildo

Two years ago I was sent two very shiny, sparkly and beautiful items by a company I absolutely love, Crystal Delights, which contrary to their appearance, were designed to be used in the most surprising of ways.

With my love of the items being hard to miss, the folks at the company asked if I’d like to try another set of their creations; a Frosted Plug and a Frosted Dildo respectively. Of course I couldn’t say no, that would just be silly. So here I am, following up my Frosted Plug Review with my take on the Frosted Dildo… I gotta say, it’s in a league of its own, and pretty damn stunning to boot!

*You can find the original video review for my first two plugs here.


Unlike many other companies the Frosted Dildo arrived without a box, instead being safely cradled in a lovely padded fabric sachet and wrapped in lots of tissue. There was nothing on the fabric to say what the product was, nor was there anything that could cause embarrassment should someone find it. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the nosy person prying into your business thought it was an expensive piece of art rather than an intimate accessory. Whether it’s the packing or the product itself, everything Crystal Delights does is definitely discreet.

The fabric was a wonderfully smooth beautiful black material with a metallic damask design and quilted black lining. After flipping it inside out I came to see that even the bag was well made with quite a bit of attention paid to the quality – no loose strings, no holes and relatively thick stitching.  If you didn’t want to use the bag for storage of the product, instead opting to leave it out as an art piece (not such a far fetched an idea with a product this stunning) you could easily use it to store other things, whether they’re sex toy related or not.

The Goods

Frosted Glass Dildo

lovely bulbous head

I usually know exactly what I’m going to write when it comes to a product I love, without hesitation the words fly onto the page like my fingers have wings, but in this case, I’m surprisingly left grounded…  and the truth is, I don’t really know why; the glass is luxurious, hand crafted and wonderfully textured, the sensations provided by the shaft are incredible, and the powder blue Swarovski Crystal gleams and sparkles beautifully… it’s a work of art, one that’s apparently left me rather speechless.

Regardless of my current state of mind, the following benefits and features speak volumes for why I love it so…

  • Thanks to the tapered head insertion is surprisingly comfortable, and with the addition of a good lube, damn near effortless, gliding in and filling the area perfectly. Just keep in mind that the bulbous design really makes itself known during thrusting, with the rounded curves sliding across the g-spot and out of the body with ease, adding the slightest of pressure and most wonderful sensations of fullness in the process.
  • Since glass has the ability to retain temperatures very well, it’s a pretty great option for varying sensations and engaging in temperature play. For those that really don’t like the feeling of something cool/cold entering them, simply holding it in your hands for a few moments, placing it in a bowl of warm water, or wrapping it in a warm/damp cloth before getting started will make a world of difference. *keep in mind I said warm, not hot.
  • As expected there’s no ‘squish’ or ‘give’ duh it’s glass and the shaft, while rippled with lovely bumps, is sleek and smooth, with a slight bit of texture that lends itself well to the experience (trust me, you can feel it), whether used anally or vaginally

    star frosted delight

    wonderfully bumpy shaft

  • On that note, the light pressure each bump creates coupled with the texturing is beyond extraordinary, especially during gentle thrusting, twirling, or while twisting back and forth. The feeling is indescribable… the best I can do is to say it’s like having your g-spot softly massaged by finger pads that know exactly where you like it most.
  • Aside from being compatible with any kind of lubricant, it also doesn’t require very much, saving you money in the long run. Trust me on this, a little goes a very long way when it comes to lubes and glass toys.
  • For those with sensitivities or allergies to latex, plastic, cyberskin or any of the other materials most pleasure products are made of, you shouldn’t have to worry as glass is hypo allergenic, hygienic, non toxic and non-porous, while also being phthalate and latex free.

As for the stats and specifics…

frosted swarovski dildo

wet vs dry

Like the previous plug I was sent, it’s not clear, instead appearing a foggy white that becomes close to transparent upon contact with any kind of fluid (pictured right). It’s this finish that gives it a textured feel while still being wonderfully smooth. 

For those that prefer length over girth, the dildo measures 6.9″ inches in total length, with only 5.9″ inches of that meant for insertion.  The head of the product is slightly larger than the shaft offering just under 5″ inches in circumference at its thickest. The shaft measures 3 3/4″  inches in circumference at it’s thinnest, and around 4″ inches around the bumps. The wide flared base allows for use anally if desired, while also acting as a handle during vaginal use.

Like every other Crystal Delights product I’ve received the surface of the Swarovski Crystal was smooth with no jagged edges, sharp points or cracks, no chips, bleeding of colors, nor any looseness… it’s definitely stuck in place (I’ve tried to pull them out of every one I’ve received, so far no luck, but many a chipped nail).

flash vs no flash

As for the actual Swarovski Crystal, it’s beyond breathtaking!

Being that the previous versions I received were all pink, or some version of it, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with the powder blue, yet true to form the light opalescent blue shone and sparkled even in dim lighting, offering hints of green, yellow, purple, turquoise, and pink with the most stunning holographic effect. Honestly, the pictures I took just don’t do it justice, instead sadly making it look much duller than it is… trust me, it’s far from dull.

Quick Side Note

One of the questions I’m very often asked in regard to dildos is how they’re meant to be used, as in – how do I get myself off from something that doesn’t vibrate?

Here’s my answer: while it may surprise many of you statistics show that over 70% of women require clitoral stimulation to achieve an orgasm and no matter how hard they try, thrusting, insertion, the feeling of fullness or the g-spot play some dildos provide will simply not be enough. In fact, many women find they need to combine clitoral play with internal stimulation or intercourse to reach the big “O”. If this seems odd please know its normal, natural and nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Having said that, if you find that the stimulation these types of products provide just isn’t enough you may want to try something different the next time you’re in need of a fix.

Frosted Glass Dildo


length comparison

dildo in pouch

wrapped up

Care & Cleaning

Since it’s virtually non porous, and therefore wont absorb bodily fluids, lube or bacteria,  you don’t have to worry about heavy cleaning; just give it a good wash with antibacterial soap and make sure to rinse it well. For the base (where the crystal is embedded) I’d suggest using a soft toothbrush to get into the area where the crystal meets the glass.

When it comes to cleaning the pouch you can simply give it a wash in cold water and line dry it. As for the material you’re looking at an outer layer of 60% Rayon/40% Polyester and an internal lining of 100% Nylon.

The Bad

While there wasn’t anything to complain about there were a couple things I did want to mention as they may be an issue for some of you when it comes to the level of comfort you experience:

powder blue beauty

Because it’s a glass product with no squish or give you may want to be careful of any forceful deep thrusting as it might be painful and bruise the cervix (the same can be said for any hard plastic, wood, metal or other glass products).

Finally, because glass is very slippery when used with lubricant (or natural bodily fluids) you may want to be sure to grip the product tightly – very easily it slipped out of my hand on two occasions.

Final Verdict

I’ve been a fan of glass products for quite some time, finding them to offer some of the best qualities around. Having said that, the Frosted Dildo by Crystal Delights is no exception; it’s perfect for vaginal or anal use, sports a textured and bumpy shaft that offers some seriously amazing sensations and stimulation, is a nice size for those that like length over girth, has a bulbous head offering an easy insertion and variety of sensations, while also being non porous, hygienic, hypoallergenic and non toxic… everything considered it’s one hell of a creation!

If you’re looking for a product that’s luxurious, unique, beautiful, and designed to truly make you feel special, you might just want to splurge and buy yourself something lovely. Go on, you deserve it.

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Product Review: Crystal Delights Frosted Butt Plug

Frosted Crystal Delights Butt PlugUpdate: This product is no longer being manufactured.

Back in 2010 I was sent my very first set of  handcrafted Swarovski embedded Crystal Delights products, a small and large butt plug, so I could provide a comparative review and offer some insight to the difference in sizes.  To say I was wowed, impressed,or totally blown away by the craftsmanship, beauty and ease of use would be a huge understatement.

Now, almost two years later, I’ve been fortunate enough to get my hands on two of their newer frosted designs; a small frosted plug with a rose Swarovski Crystal (pictured left) and a larger Star Delight Frosted Dildo with a powder blue Swarovski Crystal, both of which have left me totally awestruck.

For this review I’ll be covering the frosted plug, with a review on the amazing dildo to follow shortly.


Unlike many other intimate accessories that come packaged in a plastic clam shell or cardboard box, the Crystal Delights butt plug comes rolled within a lovely black fabric pouch that’s elegant and discreet (pictured right).

Since the pouch doesn’t bare any logos or written info it’s hard to tell exactly what it’s for, allowing it to be used for pretty much anything you choose. Fortunately it’s also slightly bigger than the plug giving you the option of also storing a few extras like condoms or a small bottle of lube. The outer layer of fabric is satiny, with a Damask design, while the inner layer is smooth and luxurious.

For the record, I absolutely love the fact that it can be reused rather than being tossed in the garbage unlike most other packaging. Eco friendly for the win.

I know there are going to be quite a few of you that are looking at these and thinking ‘glass in my ass? No way!’, so before I go on about how much I love the plug I’m just going to suggest you head over to my original Crystal Delights review and take a gander at the great benefits and features Pyrex glass sex toys have to offer. And while I’m at it, just let me state for the record that they’re far better than any toxic porous jelly sex toys you’d cram in your ass without thinking twice about how gross and unsafe they are.

You’re also probably going to assume that because the plugs are made of glass they might be a tad dangerous; so long as you don’t drop them or slam them against a wall I (but really, why would you be doing that?!) they will hold up to quite a bit of wear and tear. Trust me, I should know – I’ve accidentally dropped all of mine a couple times now  and not one has a chip or crack in it.

The Good

Unlike the previous versions I was sent, the frosted plug is not clear, instead being a slightly transparent white finish that turns almost transparent upon coming into contact with any kind of fluid. It’s this finish that gives it an almost velvety feel while still being wonderfully smooth.  As expected it’s hard with absolutely no squish or give, allowing it to provide an amazing sensation of fullness once inserted.

Regarding the shape, the head is bulbous (rather than being tapered and elongated like the clear version – as pictured in the third from left image below), giving it a slight resemblance to a pawn from a chess set.

At first I thought this would cause it to be difficult to insert and/or slightly uncomfortable, but to my surprise that just wasn’t the case; because the head is rounded there was a slight resistance at first, then ‘pop!’ in it went, with the rounded head helping it to stay in place without issue – if you’re tired of fighting with objects to stay in place, this should be a wonderful reprieve. The glass  also provides some weight to it, so it’s not a product you won’t be able to feel or wonder if it’s in. I gotta admit, the comfortable fullness it offers is pretty exceptional.

Having said that this isn’t something I would suggest to someone who is new to inserting anything anally as the shape and design may be a tad overwhelming, especially for someone that is tense or fearing it may hurt (to help ease any fears about anal play I suggest viewing my post/video: Butt Play Tips For Beginners). If on the other hand you’ve explored anally and liked the experience the Crystal Delights butt plugs are definitely worth splurging on.

While most would assume they can only be used anally, I’d like to suggest vaginal use; with its bulbous head, the plug has the ability to provide great g-spot/vaginal stimulation and/or pressure in all the right places.  If you are going to be using them anally, I suggest you use a very good quality lube as the anus, unlike the vagina, does not self lubricate which can make insertion rather difficult.  If you are going to be using them vaginally just remember; you can go from front to back, just not back to front.

Stats: Length – 3.3 inches, insertable length 2.7 inches, width 1.4 inches, weight 3.9 ounces


Rose Swarovski Crystal

length comparison

clear vs frosted


Piece Du Resistance

When I got my first set of plugs I was a little worried the Swarovski crystal might fall out or come loose, sadly I had the same fears about the new products.  Like before I started picking at the seam and ran my finger over every edge to test if it was sharp, not surprisingly the Swarovski crystal stayed in place and the surface was smooth with absolutely no jagged edges.

I really should know better by now. I mean, the company is known for quality and no one has ever had a complaint about losing the crystals or being hurt.

As for the actual Swarovski Crystal, it’s breathtaking. Seriously, the pictures I took don’t do it justice. The rose colour shines and sparkles even in dim lighting, something I really didn’t expect. Whether it’s one of the crystal delights dildos or large variety of glass butt plugs, I think everyone deserves at least one of their products.  After all, there really isn’t anything more luxurious than these, especially when compared to other luxurious and far more expensive products that see little use past the initial ‘oh wow it’s pretty‘ moment – you’ll use these, you really will!

Old vs New Crystal Delights Packaging

Old vs New Packaging

The Bad

I really didn’t have anything to complain about regarding the actual plug. Having said that, in comparison to the original clear version it is a tad harder to find the tip of the product (when it’s behind you and you can’t see it), as it was much more rounded and bulbous, making the original a bit easier to insert.

Once in place there really isn’t much difference to the feel, I just know that for some people inserting a product anally can be a bit nerve wracking and overwhelming so the easier the better.

Unfortunately I did have one small complaint about the packaging; while it is discreet, luxurious, easy to clean, and highly aesthetically appealing, the new pouch isn’t as thickly padded as the previous velvety version my other plugs came wrapped in. Do I think it will still protect them? Certainly. But for clutzy peeps like me, the added padding puts a person a bit more at ease. Having said that, the outer Rayon shell of the new version is so much better since it doesn’t attract lint or pet hair like the other one did.

Care & Cleaning

In regard to cleaning the plug nothing could be easier; you can simply wash it with soap and water, spray it with toy cleaner or wipe it with an anti bacterial cleansing cloth. No mater what you do you don’t have to worry as the glass won’t absorb any lube, bodily fluids, or bacteria.

When it comes to caring for your plug, just keep it safely tucked away inside the padded cover and it should be perfectly fine.

As for cleaning the pouch you can simply give it a wash in cold water and line dry it. As for the material you’re looking at an outer layer of 60% Rayon/40% Polyester and an internal lining of 100% Nylon.

Final Verdict

If you’re looking for a durable plug that’s made of body safe materials that’s free of any harsh chemicals that could leach into your system, while also being eco-friendly, luxurious, non-porous (a big deal when it comes to butt toys), easy to care for and clean, comfortable once in place, warms quickly to body temperature, can be used for temperature play, made to last a lifetime, and worth every penny you’d spend, not to mention being embedded with a genuine Swarovski Crystal (with 9 different colours to choose from might I add!), the ones made by Crystal Delights are definitely something I’d highly suggest you add to your list of wants/needs.

Trust me, you won’t be disappointed. They really are that amazing.

To take a look at all of the products within the Crystal Delights collection hit up SheVibe, they have pretty much everything in stock.

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Product Review: Crystal Delights Clear Butt Plug

From the moment I got my Crystal Delights plugs out of the shipping box I was impressed; not only did they come wrapped in pretty tissue paper but they also came with 3 condoms, a packet of lube and a plush, velvety and padded storage bag for safe keeping. Quite a nice touch on their part.

As for the products, I was sent the handcrafted a large Red Magma (pictured left), and small Fuchsia butt plug (pictured below right), so that I could do comparative review of the sizes and get a better idea of the type of quality they offer.

Upon viewing them out of the package one would assume they are just like any other glass product on the market, however it is the bottom or base of these products that really makes them shine – literally!

Embedded in the base of the product is a shiny, sparkly, glittery and truly stunning genuine 100% Swarovski Crystal. Yes you heard me right, a Swarovski Crystal!

I’ll be honest, I don’t think there are words to describe just how pretty the plugs are in person, they really are stunning!

The Good

Besides being beautiful the Crystal Delights line of products are also possibly one of the most discreet. Not only do they not look like a sex toy but they are something that could be left out by accident (or on purpose) without the worry of raising any suspicion.

That said, if you’re like me and love sparkly, shiny, glittery or pretty things… you need one!

When I first got them I was slightly worried that the crystal might fall out or easily come loose. However, on closer inspection (some picking at the seams to satisfy my curiosity and a broken nail later) I came to realize they are firmly in place. Rest assured they are not going anywhere.

Aside from that, I was also worried that the crystal might be sharp and therefore dangerous. Yet to my pleasant surprise, even with the various angles on the crystal it is wonderfully smooth and soft; features that can definitely be credited to the quality that only Swarovski can offer.

As for using them, one of the great things with the Crystal Delights line of products is the wide flared base they have which allows them to be inserted anally without much fear of them “getting lost”.  Aside from that, because they are non porous you can use them without the worry of them getting “dirty” or absorbing any bacteria.

Benefits of Glass Sex Toys

As for the actual plug, it is made of a beautifully clear, smooth and hard Pyrex glass; the same material that all high end and quality glass sex toys are made of.  For those of you that don’t know much about Pyrex glass and the amazing benefits that come with it let me fill you in.

It takes more than 1,500 lbs of pressure to bend (snap) a 1″ bar of Borosilicate (Pyrex) glass. Crush weight is somewhere in the range of 8 tonnes!

If you like the feeling of warmth, Pyrex glass can be heated up in various ways; let it sit in a cup of warm water, place it inside a heating pad, place it your windowsill on a sunny day, or hold it in your hands until it warms to your body temperature.

If the feeling of something cold is more your thing, place it in the fridge, let it sit in a cup of cold water, or wrap it in a gel ice pack.

Like high quality silicone, Pyrex glass is non porous which means it won’t absorb any bacteria, lube, oils, bodily fluids or anything else it might come into contact with. Suffice to say it is very hygienic.

Because it’s made of high quality glass, and is non porous, you can use pretty much any lube you want without any fear of ruining it.

If you’re like most people you’re probably going to assume that because the plugs are made of glass they might be a tad dangerous; so long as you don’t drop them or slam them against a wall I (but really, why would you be doing that?) they will hold up to quite a bit of wear and tear.  The first day I got mine I accidentally dropped it while opening the package. To my surprise it was perfectly fine; no chips, cracks, breaks, or damage was done. That said, even if you drop it, you might still be pleasantly surprised with its durability.

Also on that note, for those that are afraid it might break while in your bottom, I just want to offer that Pyrex glass can withstand up to 8 tonnes of pressure, so unless your sphincter is the “Super Sphincter of the Universe” I think you’re okay.

Stats & Product Differences

In regard to the difference in size between the products;

When I initially got the larger one I was a little nervous and thought it to be rather big; measuring 4 ½ inches in length, the larger version is an inch and a half larger then the smaller version, coming in at only 3 ½ inches.

Other then that the bulbous head of the larger version is also quite a bit longer then that of the smaller version measuring 2 ½ inches compared to the 2 inches of the smaller version. For some of you that half an inch might not seem like much, but if you aren’t very experienced it can be the difference between pain and pleasure.

I also found that the connector between the base and head of the longer version was thinner but longer then that of the smaller plug which was much smaller, but a little fatter.

That said, for those of you that are new to anal toys or play I would suggest that you start with the smaller one, then when you feel ready to move up in the “ass toy world” purchase the larger version. Doing it this way gives your body the time it needs to get accustomed to having something inserted, making the larger version easier to use and less painful when the time does come.

Care & Cleaning

In regard to cleaning the plug nothing could be easier; wash it with soap and water, spray it with toy cleaner, or wipe it with an anti bacterial cleansing cloth.  No mater what you do you don’t have to worry as it won’t absorb any residue, nor ruin your plug.

When it comes to caring for your plug, just keep it safely tucked away inside the padded cover and it should be perfectly fine.

Final Verdict

All in all I think the Crystal Delights butt plugs are a products that are not only stunning (thanks to a gorgeous Swarovski Crystal) but also very discreet, easy to use, body safe, environmentally friendly and made to last! Personally, I love them!

For those of you interested the Crystal Delights line of products can be purchased safely and discretely from SheVibe where you’ll find a large selection of body safe and other great sex toys.

Remember, if you support me and what I do, please also support the sponsors. The more you support them, the more willing they will be to support me and send such fantastic products my way. I do this for free to all of you, without them, I have no way of showing what’s worthy of your time and hard earned cash.

Trust me, I know just how much crap there in on the market… kick ass products like the ones I get to showcase for all of you are few and far between!

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