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Sex Ed 102: The Best Condoms And Lube For Anal Sex

The Best Condoms And Lube For Anal Sex Header


I recently got into a new relationship and we’re planning on having sex soon (I’m a gay male by the way). The problem is that I’m not that experienced, both with partners and toys (and condoms for that matter).  I’d like some help where lube and condoms are concerned. Do you have any lubes that you’d personally recommend, preferably silicone for anal play?

Also, would you have any flavored lubes that you’d recommend? We’ve tried a bunch of cheap samples we bought at a local novelty store and they were all pretty gross. Most of them were really thick, sickly sweet, and kinda burned our mouths. We obviously don’t need them to have a good time, but sometimes it’s fun to try new things. Any suggestions would be great.

Finally, I’m not that sexually experienced and quite nervous. Do you have any tips for a first timer?



Whether it’s anal, vaginal, or otherwise, first times can be overwhelming and scary.  Trust me I know, I’ve been there. At some point we all have. With that in mind, the discomfort you may encounter during first time anal sex could be minimum or very intense depending on how relaxed you are. It’s for this reason that I created a post on anal sex tips for beginners, all designed to help make things a bit more comfortable and fun. I suggest reading the full post just so you’re not missing anything. In the meantime, I’ve copied the most valuable info below.

Sh*t Happens… Sometimes.

Before I get into the how-to’s of comfortable butt play, I think it’s worth mentioning the one thing most people are afraid of… having their partner remove whatever they’ve inserted and it being covered in shit. Yes, I really did write that and I really am going there.

The truth of the matter is sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t. It can be as little as a tiny speck or a lot (though that’s usually not the case), sometimes there’s nothing at all. Diet can have an affect, as can how recently your last bowel movement was.  If it’s something you’re really worried about make sure to go beforehand, don’t eat foods that you know make you feel gassy or have to go (avoid fatty, fried, and spicy food as well as caffeine), and try using a quality douche to clean yourself out.

At the end of the day any time you engage in butt play there’s a chance shit will happen. It’s normal, natural, and should be expected. Sure, it can be embarrassing but if you’re having sex with a great lover that’s mature, understanding, and informed, it doesn’t have to be.

Now that that’s said and done let’s get on to questions at hand…

First Time Anal Sex Tips

Before engaging in full anal penetration it’s a good idea to take some time to warm up; relaxing breathing exercises, meditating, and getting comfortable with your partner will prove helpful in the long run. Remember, the more relaxed you are the more relaxed your muscles will be. This will go a long way when it comes to inserting a toy, finger, or penis comfortably.

After you’ve added some lube, add a finger and just a finger; trying to insert a penis right off the bat can be a shock to the system. Likewise, going too fast too soon can cause you to tense up, leading to a painful experience rather then a enjoyable one. By using a finger you prep the body, stretch the muscles, and allow yourself time to get used to the feeling.

Once the finger is inserted, have your partner leave it there until you’re totally comfortable and relaxed. Tell them not to thrust or move it around… just insert it and leave it.

When you’re ready have them slowly remove the finger. Doing it quickly can cause you to tense up, so make sure to go slow. From there I suggest adding more lube and a toy. You’ll want one that’s on the smaller side, flexible, made of 100% silicone, and has a flared base like the Small Tantus Silk (pictured right). This will give you the opportunity to work up to something larger with minimal discomfort.

Whether you decide to continue with a finger, toy, or penis, have them thrust gently in the beginning. Take your time, relax into it, and try to enjoy the moment.

I know we see the people of porn taking it like champs, but they’re trained professionals. It’s what they do for a living.  You’re not expected to take a pounding the first time around. It’ll likely take a few tries, or maybe you won’t ever feel comfortable doing that. Either way, it’s totally okay and normal.

If you’re partner is having a hard time inserting, try doing it doggy style. This may make it easier as you’re the one determining how far it gets inserted and at what speed.  Simply have your partner on their knees staying as still as they can. Then slowly back up onto it. Once they’re inside you can find a pace and depth that’s comfortable for you.

Finally, be gentle with yourself and know that if at any time you want to stop there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s your body, you get to call the shots.

The Best Condoms And Lube For Anal Sex

Silicone Lube Options

Best Condoms and Lube For Anal SexSince the anus doesn’t self lubricate you’re definitely going to want to invest in some good quality lube. Most silicone lubes are very similar; they’re condom compatible, will maintain a slippery consistency and wont dry out like water based lubes, are tasteless and odourless, are glycerin/paraben free, and are great for use in the shower. Personally I use Sliquid Silver, Premium System Jo, Sliquid Silk, or Pjur. They’re all affordable, quality lubes, made by companies I trust.

If you’re wary of pain and want something that will relax your butt without numbing the area (which can be dangerous since you’re unable to feel tearing), I highly suggest Analyse Me Spray by Pjur. I’ve also heard really great things about Intimate Earth Ease Lube (pictured left). Rather than using benzocaine or lidocain (numbing agents), Intimate Earth uses Bisabolol (a component of chamomile essential oil) which will relax the area while also potentially providing anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial benefits.

Of course there are some drawbacks to using silicone lubes; they have the potential to stain fabrics, you’ll need soap and water to fully remove them, and they can break down silicone toys. If you’re nervous about ruining a toy just do a patch test on the bottom of it to see if it’ll be an issue.

Best Condoms And Lube For Anal Sex - Pjur Med Natural Glide Water Based LubeWater Based Lube Options

I know you specifically asked for silicone lubes, but I figure it’s always good to have options.

For water based I tend to go with Sliquid H20 because it doesn’t have the shitty chemicals most others do (the people behind the company focus on body safe ingredients so that helps). It also doesn’t get sticky or tacky quickly. It still will a bit, all water based lubes do, but it’s not as bad. If it starts to dry you can easily use spit or water to get it slippery again. When I’m out of Sliquid I use Pjur Med Natural Glide Water Based Lube (pictured right) or Slippery Stuff it’s more of a gel consistency but melts quickly with body heat.

Flavored Lube Options

As for flavored lubes System Jo and Sliquid Swirl are great if you like fruitier flavors. If you’d prefer something that tastes like dessert Wet Warming Desserts and Wicked Sensual Care have the biggest varieties.

Cherry Vanilla Sliquid (pictured left) is my favourite (check my Cherry Vanilla Sliquid Review here). It’s light and fruity with a hint of vanilla. Not at all thick or gross, and didn’t leave a bad after taste.  More than that it didn’t burn my throat or tongue. If you want to sample them before investing in a larger size, the Lip Lickers Cube from Sliquid has 4 different flavours you can try. I can’t recommend Sliquid enough!

Wicked Sensual Care has 10 different dessert flavored lubes with most of them being what you’d typically expect. From Salted Caramel to Vanilla Bean, Cinnamon Bun to Candy Apple, they’ve got all the bases covered. With regard to price points, they come in two different sizes so you don’t have to break the bank if you’re not sure about a flavor.  I find they’re a bit sweeter, not too syrupy (considering the flavors), have a nice consistency (not sticky or tacky), and a little goes a really long way.

Going back to 2010, System Jo made the first flavored lubes I really liked. The flavors are light, the lube isn’t too thick or goopey, and the feeling is more like a slippery silicone lube than water based.  My faves are Chocolate Delight (my review), and Banana Lick. They also just came out with a ‘Candy Shop’ line, I’m excited to try the Cotton Candy and Butterscotch flavors.  There’s a whole bunch more on the System JO website.  If you want a bit more info here’s my review of System Jo fruit flavors.

Condoms I’d Recommend

Condom wise, you’ll likely want one that’s barely there. If neither of you have a latex allergy you should enjoy One Vanish, Skyn, Kimono Micro Thin, and Trojan Bareskin. I’ve tried them all and think they’re some of the best around. You can usually find good deals on the Undercover Condoms website in their ‘bulk’ section.

Even though you’ll be using lube you’ll benefit from lubricated condoms as they’ll reduce any chance of friction. Just make sure not to use one that has Nonoxynol-9 as it can actually increase your chances of contracting an STD/STI. Also, don’t go for Magnums unless you absolutely need the larger size.  An improper fit can slip off during intercourse, which defeats the purpose of wearing it in the first place.  If you’re not sure what size will work best for your needs, this condom sizing guide should help. There’s also my succinct beginners condom guide.

Hopefully this post helped you to not only find a lube and condoms that works for your needs, but also gave you some valuable information on how to make your first time an enjoyable one.

I linked you to the places I shop online, support and trust. If you’d prefer to shop somewhere for reasons of discretion I’ve also linked to Amazon. If you find any of the products I’ve mentioned cheaper elsewhere please let me know so I can pass on the savings other readers.

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The Big Bin of #SexToyFails: Part 1

Over the last 7 years of reviewing sex toys a lot of craptastic things have come my way. Some bored me, others gave me migraine inducing headaches, one had me ‘flailing like a maniac having a carpal tunnel fit‘, another was complete and utter torture. I’ve even gone so far as to liken a vibrator to a rabid bunny bashing at my bits. Ok, so that wasn’t the exact quote, but it’s close enough.

And that’s just the sex toy fails I’ve written about.

Not surprisingly there are more, many more. Most of which found themselves dumped in an over sized storage bin and tucked in the furthest corner of my closet never to be seen again…. until the desperate need to purge rolled around. Which leads us to this post.

Big Bin Of Sex Toy Fails

the big bin of fails in all its glory

Rather than spouting off my opinion based on appearances alone, which is what I tend to do with the horrors found in my #WTFWednesday posts, I’ve tested each of these (or had someone try, as was the case with the masturbators) and either thought they were so ridiculous that I couldn’t bring myself to write a full review, or had one session with them and said ‘nope, not doing this again’, banishing them to the bin forevermore.

Even with my displeasure, I’ll admit they’re not all horrible, heck some of you might even own a few and like them. But for me, these were deal breakers; sex toy fails I’ll never use again and couldn’t bare to dump on unsuspecting friends. That shit would just be cruel.

The Big Bin Of Sex Toy Fails

bounding bunny dual vibeRhythm O Bounding Bunny


Update: it’s no longer being manufactured. Thank God.

Once upon a time I was a huge fan of rabbit vibes. There was something so alluring about slipping one inside, pushing a button or two, and laying back like a lazy little b while it did all the work. It was around this period that I acquired the Rhythm O Bounding Bunny, a dual vibe I thought to be promising.  However, after one use I realized it would be better off as roadkill…

Rather than your typical metal balls or pearls, the ‘rotations’ are carried out via what appears to be a half cob of corn covered by a heavy layer of saran wrap. And the spinning action, let’s just say the kernels undulate rather than turn… so not only are you having sex with thickly wrapped dinner left overs, now they’ve apparently been eaten by a transparent snake that’s writhing around inside your vagina. Get the visual, yeah not very hot is it?

Aside from that it’s heavy, big, and bulky, isn’t very ergonomic, has far too many buttons controlling different things (making it difficult to manage when it’s stuffed inside you), is made of TPE (so although phthalate free, it’s still porous and can’t be fully sterilized), attracts lint and fluff like you wouldn’t believe, and requires 4 AAA batteries. Oh, and as an added bonus, any time you clench your PC muscles, it stops. Maybe I just don’t know my own strength. *smirk*

Everything considered, the vibe isn’t terrible, but it’s not great either. I’d say it lands somewhere between meh and blah. Not exactly the place you want to find your product sitting with a well versed sex toy reviewer. Sadly, the only thing it has going for it is the decently powerful clitoral stimulator, but you can find something similar without all the bulk or hefty price tag in a standard vibrating egg.

If you’re dead set on a dual vibe, one that’s body safe, rechargeable, and doesn’t look like a cob of corn, take a gander at a few other luxury options found in my beginners guide to dual vibes. For those of you looking for something cheaper, there’s the Eden Lover 10 Function Rabbit Vibe, Omg #Mood Dual Vibe, Happy Rabbit Slim Dual Vibe, or maybe something within the any of the dual vibes found here. Trust me, any of them are better than that damn bounding bunny.

Fleshlight Blade & Fleshjack Sword

fleshlight blade swordUpdate: These aren’t being produced anymore either. Good call.

I’ve been a fan of Fleshlight ever since I finger fucked one in the poorly lit corner of a sex shop nine years ago. The realistic appearance, soft and plush texture, and ergonomic design instantly gave birth to a penis envy I still can’t shake.

Having said that, of the over 15 different things I’ve received from Fleshlight, there were bound to be a few that left my testers unimpressed… for example, the Fleshlight Blade and Fleshjack Sword.

Don’t get me wrong, I get it, people want the option to control how tight something is and giving them a masturbator with a squishy body probably seemed like a really great idea, but here’s the problem; it just doesn’t work that well.

Before I go on let me say that the experience, i.e. what the sleeves deliver, is true to form and exactly what it should be with any Fleshlight. But that’s where the fun stops. There’s no other way to say it than these versions feel cheap, flimsy, and just don’t live up to the standard I’ve grown accustom to.

fleshlight blade sleeve compared to original fleshlightJudging by exterior appearances they don’t look too bad; they’re highly detailed, original in design, and come in bright blue or gold casings. However, for as attractive as they are, I wouldn’t say they’re discreet. Rather than blending into the background these bad boys stick out like a sore thumb. I won’t lie, if I saw something made of bright blue plastic that looked like the end of a sword, I’d sure as hell ask what it was, if not reach out and open it myself. Then again I’m nosy like that.

As for the sleeves, they have smaller openings, are shorter in length, and sport thinner bodies than the original designs. If you bought a Fleshlight and found it to be too large, you might like them, but if you’re someone with a larger than average sized penis, you’ll probably have issues with insertion and use.

fleshlight case compared to fleshlight swordAlso, I’ve been told they make a distracting ‘pffft’ sound with each thrust; unlike the original Fleshlight whose suction can be adjusted via a screw cap on the bottom, Blade and Sword have four little holes where the air gets pushed through during use. Not only is your experience slightly limited because of this, but as an added bonus you’ve now got four ways for the lube to dribble to the floor. Yay! #sarcasm.

On top of all that, the original versions are much easier to reassemble, just give them a good wash, cornstarch them up, and slide into place for safe keeping. Not the case with the Fleshlight Blade or Sword. One of my testers went into graphic detail about how he used the end of his toothbrush to ‘angrily jam it into place’ while muttering profanities at it. Certainly not how a fake pussy should be treated.

Oh, and once you finally do get the sleeve back in the cover, the cap refuses to stay put.  Push with all your might, force it if you have to, just know that no matter what you do, all your Sword/Blade wants to do is go commando. One knock to the floor and it’s game over, I’m not even referring to the lint they’ll pick up. If you ask me, Fleshlight did it right the first time around. #ScrewCapForTheWin.

Lastly, they kinda look like you’re fucking a pussy or ass that’s a pear. Literally. Probably not a big deal for many of you, but if you’re into banging edibles, may I instead suggest a hollowed pumpkin? One can only assume it’d be a lot more accommodating, cheaper too!

With everything I disliked about the Fleshlight Blade and Sword I think you’d be better off snagging an original Fleshlight or a Fleshlight Vibro. Want a good deal? Check my Fleshlight sale page, I’ve collected the best sales and even listed a few combo packs and products you won’t easily find on the website.

  baconlubeBacon Flavored Lube

When it comes to bacon flavored foods there’s a lot that I ‘get’. Take smokey bacon potato chips for example, it’s a no-brainer. Bacon flavored pancakes, delish. Beggin strips, probably the only thing my dog would leave me for. Baconnaise, that shit’s just necessary (it’s vegan too!). Bloody Caesar’s rimmed with bacon salt and spiked with Bakon Vodka, now you’re speaking my language.

However, when you start getting into the realm of bacon lip balm, bacon toothpaste, bacon flavored edible bubbles, bacon hard candies, or bacon soda, among other things (granted it’s not all bad), it’s time to take a step back and reassess the situation.

Then there’s Bacon Flavored Lube… and almost instantly everything in me screams no. JUST. NO.

I’m going to be blatantly honest and say there is no point in time when I want to go down on a partner whose junk smells like it was just flipped out of a frying pan and served up with all day breakfast. And in the off chance that I absolutely had to, I’d hope to be pleasantly surprised.

Instead what you’re greeted with is much closer to licking a pan where bacon grease was left cooling to a white coating, than what you’d get from eating actual bacon. It’s salty, musty, thick and pungent, slightly sweet, and wrong on every level. I think my partner summed it up best when he said “it’s bacony, but it’s disgusting!”

baconlubeforbreakfastMaking matters worse, the scent lingers long after you’ve attempted to lick/wash it off. My word of advice, don’t go to the dog park after. It’s creepy, and depending on who’s in the park that day, could potentially land you in the hospital. Or jail. #guardyourprivates

Also, it’s billed as a ‘personal lubricant and massage oil’. Considering I have a hard enough time stomaching the lube idea, the massage oil takes it to a whole other level. Why anyone would want to be slicked down with simulated bacon grease just so they could be massaged into a stinking mess is beyond me. Shit, I might understand if it was actually good, but it’s not. I say again, ‘it’s bacony, but it’s disgusting!”

Being a lover of flavoured lubes I have no problem admitting there’s a certain charm to ones that smell like desert, fruits, or other goodness, but there is nothing charming about the smell of cooked meat on someone’s privates. Period.

Rather than assaulting your taste buds with the horrific concoction that is bacon lube, I’d suggest any of the Sliquid flavored lubes, any of the Flavored System Jo lubes, Raspberry Sorbet, or Chocolate DreamWicked Salted Caramel lube,, or Sensuva Exotic Coconut lube. None of them taste like the crap J&D’s make, and they’re better lubes because of it.

End Rant.

So there you have it, the first edition of my big bin of sex toy fails.

Like what you read? Make sure to sign up for my mailing list below and be the first to know when I add another 4 next month… here’s a few hints as to what they might be; one’s a ‘collectors dildo’ created by a designer, another would be much better as a kids stuffed tooth to prep for dentist visits, one tastes like a medicine I was given when I was 12 and had tonsillitis, the last had me terrified while bathing in murky bathwater. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out!

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Product Review: Intimate Earth Flavored Lube

Update: Intimate Organics now goes by the brand name Intimate Earth.

For those of you not familiar with the company, Intimate Organics was created in 2008 with a goal to provide a personal care collection that was free of the harsh chemicals and synthetic ingredients found in many other mass produced products. The entire collection only uses certified organic extracts and offers a healthier option for those that value the environment and care not only about what they’re putting on their body, but also in it.

The newest collection is a line of flavoured lubricants that warm on contact and offer unique flavours not found with other leading brands. Sticking with their mission, the company only uses certified organic extracts that are aspartame, paraben and DEA free, while also being sugar free, pure vegan and never tested on animals. Each decadently flavoured water based lube is condom/dental dam compatible and highly concentrated.


Like all of the products within the Intimate Organics collection each 120 ml bottle is professional and respectful, with nothing on it that’s tacky, inappropriate, potentially embarrassing or rude. The clear plastic is durable, with some weight behind it, feeling neither flimsy nor cheap. Because the sticker is placed in the back (facing the front) it allows a full view the liquid inside. The back provides information on the ingredients, usage instructions and company info, with nothing being overdone or distasteful.

The coinciding pictures used for each flavor are enticing, and while the description does contain the word ‘lubricant’ it’s likely that anyone who found the bottle would be so intrigued by the delicious images that they wouldn’t take notice to the fact that it’s a sexual wellness product, and instead opt to sample it for themselves.

When it came to issues with the packaging the only real complaint I had was the use of a screw cap that required depressing for access to the lube; had they used a pump top (like Pink lubricant) or a tube there would be less of a chance it could be potentially spilled (this from the girl that accidentally knocked the bottle over and spilled 1/4 of the stuff on the floor – thank God it’s water based and easy to clean up).

The Good

Regardless of the Intimate Earth flavour you choose, the lube glides on smooth and spreads easily, has a thin fluid consistency (compared to a thicker gel), doesn’t leave you feeling sticky or coated in product and warms when gently rubbed into the skin or blown on. On that note, they feel very silky and leave the skin soft and supple, allowing body parts to glide nicely without any friction.

Fortunately there’s no horrible aftertaste and while each is heavily scented, the taste (for the most part) isn’t completely overpowering or sickly sweet. Having said that, for those that like concentrated flavours and/or scents that require little to no reapplication this will be a perfect addition to your bedroom play.

*Note: Because the flavors are so concentrated you only need a little, and it’s best if you take the time to spread it out before licking it. Tasting it straight from the bottle or using too much will likely be too sweet or strong for most people. On the up side, if you’re using it in conjunction with a dental dam or condom the flavor and scent will overpower the stink of latex and make the situation far more enjoyable.

Ingredients: Vegetable derived Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Flavour, Water, Alcohol, Lycium Barbarum Fruit Extract, Cymbopogon Schoenantus Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract.

Savoury & Sweet Flavours:

Intimate Organics Toasted Macadamia Lubricant

Although it’s called Toasted Macadamia I found the scent to be a mixture of caramel, rice crispy squares, burnt by the campfire toasted marshmallows and salty but sweet candied nuts (don’t pun that), making it a far cry from the traditional fruit flavors you’ll likely find with other brands.

The taste is sweet but savoury, slightly nutty and leaves a lingering taste of toasted marshmallows on the tongue. It’s by no means overpowering or obnoxious, which was a nice surprise considering how strongly it was scented.  On that note, straight out of the bottle it’s exceptionally sweet and sugary, almost syrupy. Taking the time to thin it out over the skin before sampling works wonders for diluting the strong taste, making it far more palatable.

Intimate Organics Chocolate Mint Lubricant

For those that love Chocolate Chip Mint ice cream, you’re in for treat as the Chocolate Mint lubricant smells and tastes exactly as expected. The first whiff is rather heavy and strong, being a tad overpowering, syrupy sweet and intense. If you tend to prefer flavoured lubes that are delicate and light, this may not be the one for you – instead I’d highly suggest the chocolate lube offered by System Jo as both the flavor and scent aren’t far more subtle.

As for the scent, it starts off cool and minty then shifts to a divine chocolate that smells like a rich box of dark chocolates.  The flavor however is the quite the opposite, beginning with a warm chocolate and quickly shifting to a light and airy mint that lingers lightly on the tongue.  Like the Toasted Macadamia nut, sampling it from the bottle will likely be very syrupy and too pungent for most, even as someone with a serious sweet tooth I found it to be a bit much.

Unlike all of the others which are totally clear, this one has a slightly darker yellowish tinge that’s almost amber in colour.

Intimate Organics Vanilla Caramel Lubricant

No matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t get the smell of vanilla, the caramel was definitely there, possibly even a hint of custard, creamy butterscotch ripple ice cream or maple syrup, but no vanilla. That’s not to say it didn’t smell good, quite the opposite actually; the moment I caught a whiff my mouth instantly watered.

To me this smelled like my favourite dessert, Creme Brulee, with a creamy and thick decadent smooth custard sitting perfectly below a golden brown layer of crispy caramelized sugar. As for the taste, it’s nowhere near as rich or heavy as the Toasted Macadamia or Chocolate Mint, offering a sweet and decadent sugar flavor that’s very yummy and delectable.

Again, spreading it out over the skin before sampling will make it far more appealing, as tasting it straight from the bottle will likely be a little too sweet and syrupy.

Intimate Organics Pralines ‘n Cream Lubricant

Unlike the others I found this version a little too rich and sickly sweet making it my least favourite in the collection. While there is a slight hint of nuttiness, the thick syrup flavor was far too overpowering and took away from anything else it might have to offer – that’s even after I took the time to spread it out and slightly sink in. Even a finger tabs worth from the bottle almost made me sick… which is saying a lot being that I have a serious sweet tooth (Hersheys Chocolate Syrup straight/no milk? YES PLEASE!)

On that note, if you really like sweets you’ll probably love this version, I’m just personally not a fan.

Fruit Flavours

Intimate Earth Wild Cherries Lubricant

Why do companies always feel the need to use words like “wild” in their flavouring descriptions? Maybe it’s just me but I rarely find that anything ‘flavoured’ tastes like it would if found in the ‘wild’, and by ‘wild’ I mean ‘farm’, because lets get real, that’s where most fruit and veggies come from nowadays.

Even with my apparent cynicism I have to admit I love the way this lube smells. Not only is it light, fruity and juicy, it’s also deliciously sweet with a scent that reminds me of cherry Jell-O.  The flavor on the other hand is surprisingly heavy straight from the bottle (like Jell-O before it’s had a chance to set). Fortunately taking the time to thin it out over the skin makes it light and fruity, almost candy like.

*Like I said when I first started, this is nothing like what I’d expect a “wild cherry” to taste like. Personally I’d suggest the Cherry Vanilla lube created by Sliquid, but that’s just me.

Intimate Organics Citrus Burst Lubricant

Coming in somewhere between lemony Sunlight dish detergent and flat pop, this was my least favourite out of the fruit version when it came to the scent. Of course that’s just me, but it just didn’t have any redeeming qualities to leave me enticed or wanting to sample it. To be honest, I was actually kinda afraid it would make me sick.

Fortunately the flavor was much better than I expected, especially considering I thought it would likely taste like soap. It was surprisingly light and sweet, with subtle citrus flavours that tasted a like flat Sprite or a lime Popsicle. It’s by no means overpowering or syrupy, instead being something you’d likely keep sampling in an attempt to find the flavor.

For those that like light lime flavors or flat Sprite/7Up, I’d suggest this version.

Intimate Organics Wild Strawberry Lubricant

Like the Wild Cherry version, Wild Strawberry tastes nothing like what I’d expect a wild strawberry to taste or smell like, and while it’s not as overpowering or syrupy as many other strawberry flavoured lubes on the market, it’s also not the greatest. For one thing it’s sweet, very sweet, and although the flavor is delicate and subtle like a real strawberry, the warming sensation detracts from the greatness that it could be by altering the sensation and distracting from the flavor.

Don’t get me wrong, out of the fruit flavoured versions this is by far the best one, it’s just unfortunately very similar to everything else that’s supposed to taste like a strawberry. I guess the fact that it’s organic and free of chemicals makes it a far better option, but going on taste alone you’d never know the difference.

The Bad

When it came to things I didn’t like about the flavoured lubes offered by Intimate Organics there were quite a few, which is rather unfortunate considering I really wanted to love them.

  • The flavors and scents are heavy and overpowering, with some of them being almost nauseatingly sweet. Fortunately spreading them out makes a big difference, but even then some are a tad too much.
  • For as nice as the warming effect is on the skin, it’s not necessarily enjoyable when it comes to the edible side of the product. Sure thinning them out makes it not as effective, but it still creates a weird warming sensation on the tongue that detracts from the flavor.
  • This may be a bonus for some people; because they’re so heavily scented once they’ve been licked off the smell still remains on anything it came in contact with be it sheets, body parts or otherwise.  Admittedly, it’s kind of interesting to play while there’s a scent of chocolate mint or crème brulee in the air, and it’s a rather nice cover up for those that can’t stand the smell of latex.
  • Finally, the lube doesn’t fully absorb which is both a good and bad thing; on the one hand it maintains a consistency that’s slick and slippery without getting sticky or tacky, on the other hand you’ll need to wipe off any that’s left behind to fully get rid of it.

Final Verdict

I usually use this part of my reviews to go over the great things I loved about the product but for the first time in a long time I find myself at a loss for words. On the one hand the products are all certified organic, maintain their consistency, aren’t tested on animals, spread easily over the skin leaving you feeling silky smooth, and some of them even taste pretty damn good.  On the other hand the majority of them are very strong when it comes to the flavor/scent which may unfortunately put people off.  Thankfully they don’t smell highly chemical or obnoxiously fake, but that may not be enough of a reason for some people to love them.

For me it’s a toss up, but you might have a completely different result. I guess the only way to find out is to try them. You never know, you just may be pleasantly surprised.

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Review: Lelo Personal Moisturizer

Until a couple of years ago I had one brand of lubricant that I swore by. No matter how much someone tried to convince otherwise, it was the only thing I would use. Maybe it was because it lasted longer than many others. Maybe it was because it came in wide variety of types, making the options seem endless. Maybe it was because it came in fantastic, non chemical tasting flavors. Maybe it was because it came professionally and respectfully packaged. Or maybe it was simply because I was tired of using lesser quality brands, all of which were pumped full of glycerin and chemicals that left me with either a yeast infection or feeling dry and sore after use (TMI?). Whatever the reason, it set the standard for every lube to follow and I’ve rarely, if ever, questioned my loyalty and stubbornness.

Times have certainly changed and people have become increasingly aware of what they’re not only putting on their bodies, but also in them. It’s partly this customer awareness that has brought a rise in standards and forced companies to either increase the quality of current products, or create brand new lines in order to meet the demand. As such, there are quite a few companies that have begun to offer quality lubricants that are either on par or, dare I say, better than my most trusted brand.

For today’s review I’m going to be covering one such lube by a company I absolutely love – the paraben and glycerin free Personal Moisturizer made by the folks at Lelo. While it may not be better than my fave brand, it’s definitely on par with it, especially when it comes to longevity, affordability and quality.


As with all of the products Lelo makes the packaging is sleek, sophisticated, respectful and very high end. The black rectangular box has nothing on it that’s rude, tacky or inappropriate, instead using carefully chosen wording like “comfort of intimate activities”, “sensual experience” and “your intimate areas”. If only more companies would follow suit and adopt such a discreet and non embarrassing choice of wording*.

One side of the packaging features an image of the lubricant container and a small paragraph beneath it that outlines the benefits and features, with the other side showing nothing but the company’s website written in metallic silver print. The back of the box has the directions, ingredients and warnings all written in 5 different languages (English, French, Dutch, Spanish and Italian).

Regardless of the care taken in creating the box, keep in mind that it’s just something you’ll likely toss into the recycling container.

*having said that I don’t mean to imply that sex, sexuality or the use of intimate accessories is something to be embarrassed about. Instead, that the use of tacky, silly, sexist or rude choices in wording, images and slogans is a large part of what has caused this environment of shame, guilt and embarrassment. Maybe if more companies were mature in their approach and treated sexuality like it isn’t some silly joke in the same way that Lelo, Sliquid, System Jo, Tantus and We-Vibe (to name a handful) do, it’s likely there wouldn’t be such an issue with sexual wellness products to begin with.  (talk about a ranting pet peeve moment!)

The Goods

Each shiny black tube contains 75 ml of the clear water based liquid that glides on smooth, mixing with the bodies natural lubrication very well. Because it’s glycerine free it lasts for quite some time and maintains it’s slippery feel,  becoming neither sticky nor tacky with extended use.  On that note, the consistency is gel like and somewhat thick so a little goes a very long way. While it is very slick it’s not greasy, oily, slimy or goopy (like many other lesser quality lubes), it doesn’t burn, sting or itch and absorbs into the skin leaving you feeling soft and supple, rather than coated in product.

*that last bit is for all of you that have sex and pass out, not bothering to clean up after the fun is over, only to wake up and feel a mess. Don’t blush, we’ve all been there.

For the most part it’s unscented, though it does have a slight dish soap smell that’s a mixture of white Elmer’s glue and lemons. Maybe my nose is busted, but that’s the scent I get. By no means is it highly chemical, sour, obnoxious or over powering. It’s just a light whiff, that’s it.

Whether it’s metal, glass, wood, a high quality silicone or any other type of material this lube is compatible with all types of intimate accessories, so feel free to use it with your favorite products.

Benefits: glycerine free, paraben free, hypoallergenic, non-staining, non-greasy

Ingredients: water, propelene glycol, hydroxyethylcellulose, aloe barbadenis leaf juice, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, tetrasodium edta, guarana extract, ginsing extract, avena sativa extract, polysorbate-20, aspartame, polyquaternium-5, PEG-45 M, citric acid.

The Bad

With the exception of one issue there really wasn’t anything I disliked about the product. As for the issue – there is no way to say this nicely so I’m just going to say it – it tastes horrible!! If you’re thinking of having oral sex or using dental dams I highly suggest you invest in a small bottle or packet size of a good flavored lube. Trust me on this one. It’s bad, really bad.

Final Verdict

If you’ve been on the hunt for a good water based lube, one that maintains its consistency, mixes well with the bodies natural fluids, is latex compatible, doesn’t get sticky or tacky and feels slippery smooth, all while being free of both glycerin and parabens, Lelo’s Personal Moisturizer (a.k.a Lube) is definitely a decent option worth trying.

Whether you’re looking for a fantastic lube, high end luxury vibrator, affordable intimate accessory to help you learn about your body, something to share with a partner or a kinky gift, make sure to check out my official online shop where prices are competitive and your privacy is of utmost importance!

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Review: Babeland Natural BabeLube

Having recently tried 5 of the lubes made by the folks at Sliquid (and liking the majority of them – read the review), along with 2 of the 4 flavored Babelicious lubes and 1 of the 8 all natural Body Massage Candles made by Babeland, I just couldn’t say no when Babeland asked if I’d like to try the ‘Natural BabeLube’ they had Sliquid craft for them. Fortunately the product lived up to my expectations for both companies, leaving me thoroughly impressed.


Just like all of the products made by/for Babeland the packaging is respectful, professional and gender neutral with nothing on it that’s rude, inappropriate or possibly tacky, nor is there anything that could cause embarrassment (not that you should be anyways). All you’ll find is a list of ingredients and the benefits and features the product has to offer.

As for the container, it’s a 4.2oz simple dark blue recyclable plastic bottle with a black cap and light blue wrap around label that sports the same + (plus) and – (minus) design you’ll find on most other Bableland products. It’s sweet and simple, something more products should aim to be.

The Goods

When it comes to things I look for in a quality lube my expectations aren’t that high. In fact, I think I look for the exact same things anyone would if they knew what sets the good apart from the bad. Of course the main challenge is knowing what to look for.

In my opinion a good lube must do the following; stay slippery during use without getting sticky, tacky, goopey or grainy, require little to no reapplication, have a limited amount of harsh chemicals as ingredients, have little to no taste or smell (unless it’s flavored or scented of course), either have a low consistency of glycerin or none at all, leave my skin feeling clean after bathing (rather than still coated in product), and be affordable for the amount I’m getting.

While many of you may think those are reasonably easy things to find, with all the shady companies you’d be rather surprised how challenging it can be.  Fortunately this job gives me the opportunity to be in contact with some of the best manufacturers and retailers around, ones that often offer me the best of the best when it comes to lubes and many other intimate accessories. Fortunately for you, I like to write about them! 😉

Having said all of that, the Natural Babelube had everything I was looking for and then some: it’s all natural and contains mostly certified organic botanicals, vegan and cruelty free, water based and water soluble, along with being glycerin, paraben and petroleum free. Wanna use it with condoms, dental dams or intimate accessories? No problem – it’s latex, rubber and plastic friendly too.

As for the lube, it’s a clear thick gel like consistency that spreads nicely while also mixing with a woman’s natural lubricant very well. Like the other Sliquid lubes I previously tried I found it maintained its consistency but required reapplying once, not something I blame the lube for but instead an incompatibility with the lubricant on the condoms we were using (Kimono  to be exact – I’ve had the same issues with them and other lubes in the past).

On that note, the lube didn’t burn, sting or make me itch during or after use, nor did it irritate my skin or cause an infection – something I’ve had issues with when it came to lesser quality lubes that were filled with glycerin. What can I say, I’m a girl that tends to learn the hard way.

There’s fortunately also no harsh taste or aftertaste and what you can taste is just a tad salty, being neither too heavy nor offensive.  As for the smell, it’s light and has a slight dish soap scent that’s not at all overwhelming.

*Since we had some condom compatibility issues I applied it to the back of my hand and spread it around, quickly finding it thicken up, turn a thin white pasty color and disappear as if nothing was there to begin with. Surprisingly my skin wasn’t left feeling sticky or tacky, instead it was softer and smoother than before. (keep in mind there was no natural bodily fluids to mix with it and help it maintain – hands don’t self lubricate after all).

Ingredients:  purified water, plant cellulose (from cotton), aloe barbadensis, natural tocopherols (vitamin E), carrageenan, extracts of hibiscux, flax, green tea and sunflower seed, citric acid (citrus fruits), potassium sorbate. *all certified organic

The Bad

When it came to things I didn’t like about the product I didn’t really have anything to complain about, even when trying to nit pick. Sure it didn’t last on my hand very long without reapplying (which might make hand jobs a little tough), and I wouldn’t really suggest it for butt play, but for the most part it was a great lube that I’d definitely use on a regular basis.

Final Verdict

If you’re looking for a lube that’s all natural, glycerin free and has no harsh chemicals, while also leaving you feeling soft, supple and moisturized, that also doesn’t have a heavy taste or smell and comes respectfully packaged – not to mention being totally affordable for both the amount you’re getting and level of quality offered, I’d highly suggest trying Babelands Natural Babelube, it’s definitely worth the under priced $12.00.

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