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#FunFindFriday: The Dragon by Traz



When I entered the sex toy industry 10+ years ago there wasn’t a lot available in the realm of penis oriented masturbation products. Sure, there were more than a handful of decent options, but for the most part the products being made weren’t body safe, looked cheap, tacky, or hideous, and didn’t make much of an effort to be original, let alone inspired. Thankfully things have progressed and a variety of devices have made their way to market offering new and innovative ways to get off… enter The Dragon by Traz!

Needing to know more about the colorful and intriguing design, I went right to the source, asking the Marketing Chief at Traz if he’d be willing answer a bunch of questions about The Dragon. Thankfully he very graciously obliged. Big thanks to Craig for taking time out of his busy schedule, I totally appreciate it.

The Dragon by Traz - Swinger

The Swinger by Traz

1. What motivated you to create ‘The Dragon’?

While there are plenty of masturbation devices to choose from, it’s just one sensation. Meaning whatever the design and texture of the canal, that’s what you feel … over and over and over. We’re all about our customers and and it just seems unfair that in order get more than one sensation, you need to buy more than one device or multiple sleeves for the same device. And that can get expensive in a hurry. So we developed The Dragon to give users the choice of pretty much unlimited sensations … or as we refer to them, hundreds to thousands of fantasies all in one masturbation device.

Just like you like to change it up with your partner … why shouldn’t you be able to do that when masturbating? We did some basic calculations based on our most popular Dragon model, The Swinger – it provides 385 different experiences. Someone would have to spend over $26,000 dollars to get that many different masturbation devices. We’re not even sure if there are 385 different such devices available. So, it’s about putting freedom in the hands of our customers when it comes to how they want to orgasm.

2. How is The Dragon by Traz different from other products on the market?

Two big differences make The Dragon by Traz the most advanced masturbation device … ever. First, you can enter from either end. The Dragon by Traz accommodates a different orifice at each end … it’s dual entry. Secondly, five distinct, interchangeable pleasure rings are housed in The Dragon’s “Fantasy Silo.”

Let’s start with the benefit of “dual entry”. Imagine you’re rocking along and you’ve penetrated through the vagina orifice, but you want to switch it up mid-stream … you simply flip over The Dragon by Traz and and slide in through the butt or mouth orifice. It’s just that easy. But, that’s just the start. I mentioned the five distinct pleasure rings. Each ring has a different diameter opening as well as a distinct textured canal creating a different sensation. For example, take the “Give and Go” ring. You’ll swear there are four free floating fingers twisting and wrapping around your shaft as you move in and out. And here’s how users can have many, many different fantasies. Simply change the order the rings in the “Fantasy Silo.” It clicks open and you can rearrange them in any order. Remember – each ring is unique – different size opening and different textured canal. This means different sensations as you move back and forth through each one. It’s really mind blowing.

And get this, users can choose two different style opening diameters, depending on their preference – there’s “just right” and “super tight.” Customers can specify their choice when ordering.

Also, we know people like it different ways, so we designed three offices for The Dragon – Vagina, Mouth and Butt. That also leads to the every increasing number of fantasies available for everyone that wants to “ride the Dragon.” Also, customers will have no problem distinguishing one pleasure ring from another with just a glance. Each are a different color.

The Dragon by Traz pleasure rings and orifices

Dragon Pleasure Rings & Orifices

3. Speaking about the pleasure rings, each of them look amazingly detailed, what was the process/how long did they take to craft, and how did you choose each design?

First we polled users to get a sense of what sensations they found most pleasurable, most exiting and stimulating. As you can imagine we heard a lot of varying answers, descriptions and desires. We also asked them to describe the sensations of three different types of penetration; vaginal, oral and anal. We used those answers to help influence our designs. Take for example the description I used earlier for the “Give and Go” pleasure ring. Many we asked described that slight twisting action partners will use when giving them a hand job and also during oral sex. We took that data and then set out to design an inner set of textures to try and duplicate that sensation.

It took us about 14 months of literally about 150 different prototype molds to come up with our first set of 15 rings. As part of this initial launch we’ve introduced the first set of five. As mentioned previously we created two versions of those first five – “just right” and “super tight.” We’ll release the next set of five sometime in late Spring and the third set at the beginning of Fall.

For those interested in each of the The Dragons pleasure rings sensations, here’s what they feel like (*color coded to match the rings):

  • Pleasure N’ Pleasure – That real vagina sensation comes from 8 mini rings within the ring – four tight and four a little looser.
  • Ten and One – It’s like being licked as you move into a tighter center. The dual ribs on both side of the narrowing shaft really do a number.
  • Full Throttle – You get that gentle grip and drag sensation found only in a real partner.
  • Stacked Desire – A little pull and tug action from three softly ribbed openings.
  • Give and Go – It’s like the best hand job you ever had … you know that twisting action that really heightens how it feels.

The Dragon by Traz - Pleasure 'N PleasureThe Dragon by Traz - Ten and One  The Dragon by Traz - Full ThrottleThe Dragon by Traz - Stacked DesireThe Dragon by Traz - Give and Go

4. Why did you choose silicone material over other available options?

When we founded the company, we purposely decided to make the highest quality adult toys possible. And today, the absolute best material is medical grade silicone. First and foremost it is body-safe. Also, it’s durable requiring no special powders, creams, etc. to keep it in pristine condition. Clean-up is snap – simply use soap and water.

5. What can we look forward to in the future from Traz?

We’re developing a new version of our Rhino Penis Extension. Customers have asked if we could create an extension that worked as well as the original Rhino, but looked more like a real penis. It was important to first determine if our patented “no slip grip” design would perform as it does with the original Rhino’s more cylindrical shape. I’m happy to report we have a working prototype that we will put into production in late March. If your readers have suggestions for what they think would be a good name, we’d love to hear them!

Wanna be the first to know when new products come out? Of course you do! Make sure to follow Traz on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

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Promescent Review

promescentNo matter how many times I cover premature ejaculation (or other erection issues), the main response I recieve from my viewers/readers is the same. Whether it’s asking about pills, creams and/or topical ointments, intimate accessories, or natural ways of obtaining results, every letter eventually leads to the question,

“…is there anything I can use or take to help me last longer and please my partner?…”

Often followed by,

“…you know, one that really works.”

It’s this continual inquiry that’s led me to sample more dick products than I care to admit. And while I may not have a penis of my own, I’m lucky enough to have a partner who’s willingly obliged to being a guinea pig for me time and time again. So when the folks at Promescent reached out and asked if I’d review their ejaculation delay spray, I couldn’t really say no. Hopefully this review will help those of you struggling with PE to find a product that might work for you.

If you don’t care about the product details, jump to our personal experience here.

What is Promescent and how does it work?

Promescent is a spray designed to delay ejaculation and orgasm by reducing sensitivity of the penis. Basically put, it numbs your dick so you can stay hard and have sex for a longer period of time.

According to the website, unlike other products that can’t be fully absorbed and therefore only affect the outer layers of skin (limiting the effectiveness and possibly transferring to the partner), Promescent uses a patented Lidocaine based formula that penetrates below the skins surface where the nerves reside. By blocking the signal of pain within the body (or any sensation, as the case may be), it offers a potential temporary solution for those suffering with premature ejaculation, without also diminishing the enjoyment of sex.

If you’re curious about the technical aspects of how it works, feel free to watch the embedded video from the Promescent website (above left).

The Good

  • promescent reivew: bottlesIt’s easy to apply and reliably sprays the same dosage amount each time (limits the chance of using too much and can be easily adjusted to suit your needs).
  • Takes effect within 10 minutes, no need to sit around waiting; you can actively engage in foreplay with your partner while waiting for the effects to kick in.
  • Because it’s absorbed by the skin it doesn’t transfer to your partner and/or reduce their pleasure, this also means you don’t need to worry about accidentally numbing their throat or mouth during oral sex. Just make sure to wash any residual spray off with a damp cloth beforehand.
  • Does not require a prescription, can be used by anyone in need of a little assistance, and is only needed when you have sex (unlike continually taking medications).
  • If you’ve ever had a hard-on that uncomfortably lasted for hours, which was my partners experience when we stupidly experimented with Viagara, you don’t need to worry as the effects should wear off between 45 mins to an hour after first application (doesn’t mean you’ll last that long, just the effects of the spray). Granted, Viagra is designed to cause and maintain an erection, but I thought it was worth noting for those that might refrain from using the spray for that reason.
  • It’s non-toxic and is the first and only spray that’s been passed by the FDA as safe for use.
  • Can be easily washed off with water and shouldn’t stain clothing or sheets.
  • For those that are engaging in safe sex practices, it’s safe for use with condoms.
  • Most importantly, it does work. Sometimes a little too well, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

Promescent Review: Personal Experience

Although there was a short period years ago where my partner had issues achieving and maintaining an erection, premature ejaculation was never an issue. Generally, for us sex lasts around 15 minutes, except in the event of being under the influence of alcohol (where it lasts longer), or really horny (intentionally, it’s over pretty quick).  Everything considered, I’d think we’re not the specific target market Promescent is hoping to reach, however it doesn’t mean we didn’t notice a difference.

Note: Before testing the product we checked online and found instances where users had gone overboard and unwittingly left themselves totally numb and unable to maintain or achieve an erection. As such, we decided it best to err on the side of caution and casually experiment with increased doses over a three week period.

Test 1:

promescent review: bottle, packaging, directionsThe first time he only used 2 sprays (instead of the suggested 3-5) directly on the underside of his penis where the head meets the shaft. Not long after rubbing it in he started to feel a slight tingling sensation, then a bit of warmth, followed by “gentle” numbness. Wanting to abide by the instructions perfectly we waited the suggested 10 minutes (the time it takes to be fully effective) before going at it. When the alarm on his phone went off signalling time was up, we headed to the bedroom to make out. Before long he had a raging hard-on and we were soaked in sweat… as expected the sex lasted longer than normal, with him finally finishing around the half hour mark.

His experience: My partner said he didn’t notice the numbness until he touched the area, and that the numbness itself was very localized.  There was no burning, tingling, or uncomfortable feeling, and the numbing allowed him to go longer without completely dulling the stimulation he received. We’re not sure if it’s something that comes with numbing one area (head) and not another (shaft), but he said the shaft was more sensitive than usual.

My experience: Because sex for us is usually unplanned and totally spontaneous, the only real difference came from knowing I was going to get laid but had to wait for it. Let’s just say I’m not the most patient person when it comes to getting dick. The sex itself was great, I didn’t feel any transference of the spray, and it appeared he had a great time too. Granted I did feel a little tender after, but thanks to some good lube I wasn’t raw or sore.

Test 2:

The second time he was a little braver and used 5 sprays. He also rubbed it into the entire length of the shaft (under the head of the penis and down the base), rather than just the underside of the head.  As with the previous experience a tingling sensation and warmth started after 2 minutes, followed by numbness. Because we were using condoms we weren’t too worried about it transferring to me so we went at it before the 10 minutes was up. Again, the sex lasted longer than normal (around 25 minutes), however we  had to stop a few times because the numbness made the condom feel weird for him (like it had slipped off or ripped). Thankfully, it hadn’t.

promescent review bottle close upHis experience: Initially he was totally aroused, but he said the lack of sensation while wearing a condom was a little alarming. Had he put the condom on after it had set, he would have known what to expect and wouldn’t have felt the need to repeatedly stop (to check the condom). He also said that ejaculating felt weird, like he could feel it, but it was ‘diluted’. Other than that, he said he liked that he could still feel me and wasn’t totally numb.

My experience: Like the first time I didn’t notice any real difference (regarding sensation) from when we normally have sex. The starting and stopping (to check the condom) was a little annoying, but something that comes with using condoms anyways. Admittedly, it was nice to go longer than usual.

Test 3:

With his curiosity peaked, my partner used 7 sprays for our third test. In retrospect, it probably wasn’t the best idea. Like our second time he applied it under the head of the penis and down the shaft. Almost instantly the sensation was warmer and more tingly than before, then the localized numbness kicked in. After 15 minutes of foreplay his penis went from a full hard on to semi-erect. I asked if everything was okay, to which he replied that it felt weird, like he was disconnected from his dick and couldn’t get it to do what he wanted. He said he was still into it mentally, but his body just didn’t want to co-operate. We gave it another 10 minutes before he washed off as best he could and called it a day. Unfortunately when it comes to products like Promescent, more does not often = better. From our experience it proved to be just the opposite.

His experience: Contrary to our previous experiences he said he was caught off guard with how much it numbed, and while there was no actual discomfort (pain etc), it was a foreign sensation that left him a little worried (read: paranoid). He said it took a good hour before his dick felt ‘normal’, which was a relief. He agreed that he probably shouldn’t have used as much, but said his curiosity got the best of him and he couldn’t resist seeing what would happen.

My experience: He’s a pretty confident guy, so watching him struggle to achieve and maintain an erection was tough. We’ve been down this road before (so I knew how to handle it and didn’t take it personally), but it didn’t necessarily make things easier either.  Knowing he was disappointed, both in the product and himself, made it harder for me to stay in the mood.

IMG_5552Test 4:

This time he balls-to-the-wall and used 10 sprays (rubbing it all over his dick). Knowing what our previous experience was like, I still don’t understand why he did it. Almost instantly his dick was tingling, followed by a slight ‘hot’ sensation (not burning), then complete numbness. At this point he wasn’t into it, but he wanted to see if we could somehow cajole an erection (so he’d know what it felt like).

No matter how hard we tried his dick remained soft. Stroking did nothing. Same for oral. No amount of titillation got so much as a muscle flex out of it. Granted he wasn’t turned on by this point, and instead treated the situation like some ill advised science experiment/challenge.

Whether the lack of erection was due to his disinterest, the product, or a combination of both, is anyone’s guess. After 15 minutes he started to get paranoid again so we gave up, he washed off, and we watched missed episodes of Parks and Rec on Netflix while waiting for him to regain feeling in his dick (took about an hour and a half for the numbness to totally dissipate).

His experience: In full acknowledgement of the ridiculous amount he used, he said he was surprised it didn’t ‘hurt’ and that there was no ‘burning’ sensation (which he expected). He said he was shocked that he couldn’t get a reaction from his dick, at all, and that the lack of responsiveness really worried him.  He also noted that peeing felt weird, and that the last 45 minutes of his dick being numb was really annoying.  After this experience he promised that if we ever used it again he’d stick with only 2 sprays.

Promescent review: back of bottle

My experience:  As someone that doesn’t have a dick, and therefore had no idea what he was going through, this was rather traumatizing for me. Sure, I’ve seen guys struggle with achieving erections before, but to get absolutely nothing was completely unexpected and very unnerving. Thankfully there was no lasting side effects, and his dick worked perfectly fine when we had sex the next day.

Test 5:

After our last run with the spray we were admittedly a little nervous to try it again. I told him it was up to him, that he didn’t have to if he didn’t want to, but being the considerate person he is, he wanted to make sure I didn’t give a thumbs up to something that wasn’t reliable. So, off he went bottle in hand and applied it exactly as he had the during our initial test: 2 sprays directly on the underside of the head, avoiding the shaft, allowing 10 minutes to fully absorb. Even though we both were nervous the sex was great and lasted longer than usual, clocking in at around 20-25 minutes.

His experience: With the exception of being wary, his experience was similar to the first time; his sensitivity was reduced but he could still feel me enough to have a great orgasm. He also said that ejaculating felt like it usually does (instead of being weird or disconnected), and there wasn’t any discomfort.

My experience: For the most part results were the same for me, however because I felt the need to continually check in and see if he was okay, the sex wasn’t quite as intense or fulfilling (for me). Admittedly, that was my own issue and didn’t have anything to do with the product itself; the spray definitely worked, I was just over considerate. Had he not gone so far with tests 3 and 4, I think I would have had a kick-ass time.

 The Bad

  • For me, the biggest drawback is the $79.95 retail price. Having said that, most users will likely find they only need 1 or 2 sprays, in which case the cost isn’t bad (you get around 60 sprays per bottle). But if effectiveness requires needing 3 or 4 sprays (each time), overall it could end up being rather costly.
  • promescent review: full packagingThe delaying effect is temporary, and therefore isn’t a permanent solution.
  • As with many products, there is a faint smell to the spray. It’s not overwhelming, but it is there. It reminded us of the minty but medicinal Original Listerine (the yellow one). Thankfully the scent doesn’t remain for very long, and it’s not something you’ll smell unless your up close (consider this before asking your partner for a blow job).
  • If too much is used it may cause loss of erection and numbness, as well as irritation. On that note, it’s always better to use the amount specified on the directions – using more doesn’t always mean you’re going to get better results (as we proved with our tests above).
  • Because Lidocaine has not been proven to be safe for use during pregnancy, it’s not recommended for couples who are or may become pregnant.

Aside from all that, because Promescent works by numbing the area, it’s advised that you pay close attention to what you’re doing at all times. Any time you can’t feel yourself, or your partner, there is a risk of unintentionally hurting yourself or them.  While I’d advise products like this for external use, I would NOT suggest them for use internally, whether it’s vaginal, oral, or anal. If you want to use something for those purposes you’re better off getting a product that either relaxes the area or enhances sensation.  Lastly, if you’ve decided to use a condom as your form of protection, it’s a good idea to stop every so often and make sure the condom is still intact/on… if you’re numb you may not be able to tell if it’s ripped or has come off.

IMG_5561Final Thoughts

For some people the causes of premature ejaculation are more physical than chemical/mental, in which case delay products like Promescent can help tremendously. During our tests we found the spray extended the lasting time during intercourse by around 10 minutes on average (allowing for a half hour session at its most effective).  Suffice it to say we were both impressed with the results.  With that in mind, as far as temporary solutions to premature ejaculation go, this one gets a big thumbs up.

Having said that, I assume pairing it with other methods would likely offer even better results. Just keep in mind, since every body is different, some products will work and some won’t. The key is to not judge them all by the same measuring stick and instead experiment with the various options available until you get the desired results. Or in our case, experiment until you learn your lessons the hard way and end up with a dick that won’t do anything you want. From now on, we’ll be sticking with 2 sprays.

If you’d like more information I’d suggest hitting up the Promescent website, Googling other online reviews, and/or contacting them if you have questions. For those looking to try the product, you can purchase it here (I’d suggest snagging the trial size, it’s currently 50% off = $14.90 including shipping) or via the Promescent account on Amazon.

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  Promescent banner

*Disclaimer: I received 1 standard sized bottle at no cost to me in exchange for this review. I also received financial compensation from the sponsor for my time and effort.  Although this post is sponsored, all opinions are my own based on my personal experiences.


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Review: Rhino by Traz Penis Extension

Ask anyone with a smaller than average penis about their experiences and most will likely admit that “making do with what they’ve got” is sometimes easier said than done.

That isn’t to say that anything below average isn’t good. Because it is. Very much so. As someone that isn’t a size queen, I can personally testify to that.  But considering we live in a culture where the message of “bigger is better” is a constant, it’s silly to expect someone to be confident when they don’t feel what they have is adequate, even when it is.  So, like anyone would do, they look for something that will make them feel better, whether it be a pump, sleeve, or otherwise.

Enter the Rhino by Traz penis extension; a kick ass 4-in-1 penis sleeve I found while updating my beginners guide to penis extensions.

Now I know this isn’t something that will appeal to all of you, but with sex toys designed for “men” finally starting to catch up to their “female” counter parts, I can’t help but think Traz is poised to take over a considerable part of the market, and quite deservedly so. What they’re offering is leaps and bounds above what’s currently available, both in terms of design, usage, and materials.Traz Rhino, The Worlds #1 Penis Sleeve

 The Good

Even as someone who tends to opt for decidedly ‘average’ sized insertables, I can’t help but love the sleeves Traz has created. They’re sleek and easy to use, supple, body safe, comfortable, and most importantly, THEY STAY PUT!

  • Unlike other sleeves, the Traz versions are the ONLY ones made of 100% silicone that don’t require a sling under the balls to hold them in place, allowing them a handful of benefits:
    • they’re far less likely to tear with time, a common issue I hear with ‘real feel‘ and roll on versions.
    • allergic to latex? no worries, they’re latex free.
    • being non-porous they won’t absorb bodily fluids, lube, or bacteria.
    • they’re hypoallergenic, hygienic, non-toxic, and phthalate free, so they won’t leech chemicals into you or your partners body.
  • Each of the sleeves is totally customizable when it comes to length, simply cut it to the exact size you need.
  • Even though they’re thick, with a considerable amount of weight (especially the Stampede/Genesis versions), the silicone still has some squish, give, and flexibility, allowing for a decent cushion and comfortable fit.
  • They can be used as a masturbation sleeve; just add some lube, slide yourself inside, and stroke away. If you want to add a different sensation cover the end with your finger for some ‘sucking’ action. It’s obvs not like the real thing, but I’ve been told it’s above par.
  • If you have a traditional vibe hanging around, or a basic dildo for that matter, the sleeves can be placed over top to ‘enhance’ it.
  • Finally, as someone that’s tried all the options available (we’re talking latex, realistic, and strap-on), I appreciate not having to continually start and stop because the sleeve is sliding off. If you want a sleeve that stays put! you want a Rhino by Traz.

How To Use/Sizing

Included in the kit are three components; the silicone sleeve, an inner sizing core, and the plug (inserted it in the end to create the vacuum suction). For the most part putting it all together easy to do; just add some lube, slide the core all the way to the top of the sleeve, insert your erect penis, squish the base to remove any air, and insert the plug. Easy peasy!

Note: Before use with a partner I suggest taking some time to explore on your own; masturbate with it, put all the parts together and remove them, let your partner use it (on a vibe or dildo) so they’re familiar with it, and make sure it’s the right size (this might require cutting the sleeve, core, or both). That way, when the time comes, you’ll be confident and know what to expect.  It’ll go a long way for making the experience a good one. Trust me on this.


I’m going to assume the majority of reviews you read will be from those who have a penis and can give you some insight on what to expect as the one wearing it. This is sadly something I can’t do. Ahem, *vagina*. Instead, what I can do is offer what it’ll be like for the person you’re sharing with. A considerable point of interest for those looking to get something because their partner isn’t satisfied.

Rhino by Traz Penis Extension: SleekRhino by Traz Penis Extension: Sleek

Being the least intimidating of the three I opted to explore with the Sleek first. Resembling a lot of the dildos I own, the 1.5″ diameter was similar enough in size that I felt confident I could manage it without a hitch.

After a bit of foreplay and the addition of lube, the smooth shaft slid in effortlessly with a minimal amount of drag. Even though it was longer than I’m used to, it didn’t take long before we had a steady rhythm going, the supple silicone added a gentle cushioning that made deep thrusting comfortable and enjoyable.

Having said that I’ll admit it wasn’t quite what I was expecting. I knew what I was getting into reviewing these sleeves; that they were silicone and wouldn’t feel like a ‘real’ penis, but even with all the dildos I’ve used over the years it felt foreign. It wasn’t something I didn’t find pleasurable, because I did, I’m just used to certain sensations (i.e. the feeling of ‘him‘), and not having that took me by surprise. Fortunately that passed rather quickly and the two of us were able to focus on each other rather than the sleeve.

As for using it to masturbate with, my tester was impressed. He said he could feel the ridges inside as it slid up and down his shaft and that the suction action was something he thoroughly enjoyed. Because it’s thinner the grip can be better felt.

Who Will Like It

If you’re comfortable with your girth but want that ‘little bit more’ by way of length, I’d say choose a Sleek. The sleeve is adequately ‘above average’, but still totally doable. That isn’t to say it won’t add girth if you need it, because it will.  It’s also the most comfortable of the three, both to wear and insert.  On that note, being lighter than the other two it shouldn’t weigh your penis down, something my partner complained about with the larger versions.

Rhino by Traz Penis Extension: GenisisRhino by Traz Penis Extension: Genesis

After conquering the Sleek with a minimal amount of effort I suffered from a bout of overconfidence and rushed into the Genesis, after all, how much difference could a half inch make?

Let me tell you, it makes A BIG DIFFERENCE.

Although they look damn near identical, save for a half inch upgrade in girth, these two sleeves are worlds apart. Unlike the Sleek, Genesis is bulky with a weight increase that’s noticeable from just holding it. Flexibility is also something they don’t share; Sleek is exceptionally pliable, whereas Genesis is much more substantial with minimal give. There’s also a slightly raised bump in the head of the shaft designed to offer g-spot stimulation, making it feel thicker. All of these differences played a role in my ability, or lack thereof, to take the sleeve without a deliberate effort.

Between the weight of the sleeve pulling his dick down and my vag deciding it was too big, getting it in was a struggle. There was a considerable amount of discomfort at first, followed by a cycle of start, stop, remove, add lube, etc until it was half in. At that point we had to just leave it alone so my body could relax and adjust. Then, just when I thought we’d have to quit, he gave a gentle thrust and it slid into place perfectly. As someone that doesn’t regularly use anything larger than 5″ in length or 1.5″ in diameter, this was a major accomplishment.

The size was fulfilling without being too much, and once we got into the swing of things it became surprisingly comfortable. From that point each thrust went from discomfort to instant gratification. Not at all what I expected considering the amount of effort it took to get it in.

Like the previous version it serves well as a masturbation device, with the added thickness offering some decent squish and give.

Who Will Like It

If you’re looking for an all around increase in size, we’re talking both girth and length, you’ll probably prefer the Genesis. It’s considerably heavier than the sleek, and also less flexible, but it feels a lot more substantial. Like the Sleek, the Genesis has dense ribbing, making it perfect for masturbation sessions.

Rhino by Traz Penis Extension: StampedeRhino by Traz Penis Extension: Stampede

There was no time that I wasn’t overwhelmed by the Stampede. If we’re being honest, it’s safe to say that I was legitimately afraid. I probably sound like a big sissy, but here’s the thing, until you hold it in your hands and feel the heft behind it, you really won’t appreciate the situation.

Let me make this very clear: the Stampede is a beast, not unlike the Tantus T-Rex, however there is one big difference between the two; with the T-Rex you’re in full control, after all it is just a dildo and you’re the boss. With the Stampede however, you’re at the mercy of the person wielding it.  A scary thought for someone like me. Again, I’m going to emphasize the fact that my vadge is most pleased with anything 5″ in length and 1.5″ – 2″ inches in diameter, however in it’s entirety (we’re talking 8″ x 2.2″), the Stampede seemed staggering.

Even with all the right prepping, the first time we tried was a no-go; there was lube, and lots of it. Dirty grooves played in the background. I even went so far as to get the body wand original and a Vixen Maverick involved for a good half hour. Didn’t matter, my vagina shut down and refused entry. Fortunately I wasn’t alone in my disappointment, due to the added weight my partner had a hard time maneuvering and found himself using it like a barbell to show off his “dick lifting skills” rather than screw me with.

Never one to accept defeat I decided to take matters into my own hands literally and break out the big guns; there was a bottle of Chardonnay (for drinking! pervs), four of my largest dildos, my favorite lube, and an old acrylic vibe that hasn’t seen the light of day in years. One by one I worked through the toys until I thought I’d be able to handle the Stampede. Then, inch by overly large inch, I manged to get it in fully, though not comfortably or to my liking. Thrusting didn’t feel like the others; the matte texturing added some drag and the weight of it made my wrist tired. Eventually I gave up and left it inserted while stimulating externally until I climaxed around the thick shaft. Let’s just say it offers a fullness that’s hard to beat.

This was also my partners least favourite when it came to use as a masturbation sleeve. He said that although the thickness added a lot of cushioning, it didn’t offer as much control over ‘tightness’ as he would have liked. Also, because the internal core has ridges that are more spread out, it wasn’t as stimulating. He still enjoyed it, just not as much.

Who Will Like It

If you’re the type that follows the motto “go big or go home“, the Stampede is for you. If you love big cock, the Stampede is for you. If you don’t shy away from a challenge and like the idea of feeling like a badass after conquering something large and in charge, the Stampede is for you. Point being, this baby is no joke. It’s products like this that make me wish I was a size queen. *sigh*

internal sleeves traz rhino

The Bad

Due to the size of the internal hole you may or may not fit inside. As for length, if you’re 4 ½” to 5″ inches you should be fine with leaving the sleeves as is, though if you’re larger you may need to trim the inner core.  If you’re shorter than 4 1/2″ you’ll likely need to cut the sleeve to custom fit, otherwise it’ll hang off and feel segmented.

They don’t feel like a “real” penis. Instead, it’s like having sex with a partner who’s penis has been replaced by a really great dildo. That’s not me knocking it, I just don’t want you to expect it to feel “human” and be disappointed.

You’re probably going to worry that the plug will come out inside you, lost to the depths of your vadge forever more… I know I did. Thankfully it never happened. I can’t promise that it won’t for you, but of all the times we used it I didn’t have any issues. #vacuumsealforthewin

The website states that they can be used anally, however this is something I didn’t try as I have a strict ‘must have a base to go in my butt’ policy. You could place it on a dildo that has a base and see how things go, but I just wasn’t willing to chance it.

Because they’re rather small, think of a thumb tack minus the pin, there’s a likely chance you’ll accidentally lose or misplace your plug. If you do, don’t worry. Just email the folks at Traz and they’ll send you a replacement or two.

Care & Cleaning

Because they wont retain bodily fluids, lube or bacteria, they don’t require heavy duty cleaning. Simply give them a good wash with mild soap and water and let them sit to air dry. Or, if you’re a clean freak, you can boil them in water for 3 minutes, toss ’em in your dishwasher, or wash them with a 10% bleach solution. Though honestly, it’s pretty unnecessary.

Final Verdict – Rhino by Traz Penis Extension

Rhino by Traz Penis ExtensionI was first introduced to penis sleeves 9 years ago. The concept was strange to me, the product even more so. I mean, why wouldn’t someone just learn to work with what they had? Seemed reasonable enough. Especially to someone who preferred things on the smaller side and didn’t really understand the whole size queen thing. But I was a noob and really didn’t know any better.

Now, almost a decade later, I’ve come to understand just how helpful a good extension can be. Not only for the person wearing it, but the partner that might want just that little bit more… or in the case of the Stampede or Genesis sleeves, a lot more.

After all, if your partner can use something bigger than you, like a dildo, why can’t you put on a high quality sleeve and do it yourself? You can. And that’s the whole point.

For more info or to get one of your own, head over to their website or check out SheVibe, the only other place you can currently get one

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 Traz Rhino Penis Sleeves

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Sex Ed 102 Product Review: Vibrating Cock Rings

If you’ve been following my  posts on male sexual enhancement you should be fairly well versed on how to use a cock ring, the various oils, ointment, creams, and lotions available to help you last longer in bedthe basics of cock rings, and hopefully found a cock ring that works for you.

For this post I’m going to take things a step further and offer suggestions and mini reviews on various vibrating cock rings.

What Are Vibrating Cock Rings & What Do They Do?

Vibrating cock rings are rings that fit around the base of the penis (sometimes under the balls as well), and are designed to provide vibration against a female partners clitoris. They all differ in one way or another, with most being found for between $3 – $15.  Unfortunately, not all vibrating cock rings are created equally, or made to fit comfortably.

When looking for one that will work best for you and your partner I suggest taking a few things into consideration:

  • the size of your penis vs the size of the hole your cock goes through– smaller holes may pinch, hurt, or be difficult to remove once your penis is engorged with blood. If the latter is an issue, you will likely need scissors to cut it off.
  • the width of the cock ring (the size of the actual ring) – thinner rings tend to roll, won’t offer much cushioning, could be difficult to remove since there is less to grasp, may be more likely to ‘snap back’ if you accidentally let go (much like when you ‘snap’ an elastic), and generally might not be the most comfortable experience.
  • the strength of the vibrations – many of the cheaper versions offer limited sensation as the power of the vibration is seriously lacking, this won’t do much for your partner if she requires a strong vibe to get off.
  • the length of battery life vs buying a rechargeable version – if your partner takes a while to get off (totally normal) you might want to opt for a rechargeable version since the batteries found in cheaper vibrating cock rings have an average life span of 20 – 30 minutes.
  • material – because all cock rings, and sex toys for that matter, are often made of shoddy materials (jelly, pvc, etc) I suggest looking for something made of TPR, TPE, or silicone as those are your best options.

Now that you’ve got an idea of what you’re looking for, let’s move on to the mini reviews.

Vibrating Cock Rings

Screaming O – Touch Plus

Update: Screaming O now makes rechargeable version that’s actually pretty affordable called the Screaming O Charged Big O.

The Screaming O Touch Plus is a peach coloured squishy and supple vibrating ring that’s rather thick and stretchy. By no means is it scary, overwhelming or intimidating, and considering it’s quite a bit stretchier than the previous rings, it’s far easier and faster to apply and remove, while also potentially being more comfortable to wear during use.

Personal Experience

Although the vibrations of this vibrating cock ring are nothing to write home about (to be honest, they kinda suck) they’ll potentially offer some of the clitoral stimulation many partners need, stimulation that can’t obtained during penetration (they’ll also turn your member into a make-shift vibrator).

Screaming O Touch PlusMy tester said it went on quick and easy, with a minimal effort on his part. He said that once on it fit tighter than any of the others and made is dick feel like it had an elastic band wrapped around it. He said that although there wasn’t any ‘pinching’, it wasn’t the most comfortable experience though it did do the job at helping him maintain an erection.

He said that he often found it ‘rolling’ during use and catching his pubic hair in the process. He said he wasn’t a very big fan of the way it felt once lubed up, that he preferred the way silicone felt against his skin, and that he tore two condoms while using it. He said that in the future he’d opt for something a bit more pricey as the quality and ease of experience just wasn’t there.

Screaming O Touch Plus On penisThe Good & The Bad

Unlike other products the vibrations are pressure activated, meaning that only when you press on the battery (located inside the casing) will it begin to vibrate. On the one hand this can be slightly annoying as it turns off on its own, on the other it’s great when it comes to saving battery life and prolonging the use of the ring.

Regarding the life span of the battery, it says you’ve got up to 90 minutes of use, and while it is disposable, you can remove the little bullet and insert a watch battery with ease to continue using it if need be. Just keep in mind that because it is slightly porous you may want to toss it in the trash depending on how worn and dirty it’s starting to look (trust your judgment on that one).

*Fortunately it’s virtually silent and not something anyone in the next room would be able to hear, let alone be a possible distraction.

Made of a scentless TPR/Silicone blend, this vibrating cock ring is hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and very easy to care for. Having said that, it is porous and therefore requires a good cleaning after each use with anti bacterial soap. Regarding lubes I’d personally only suggest a good water based one as a silicone lube would likely ruin it with time – not to mention be difficult to clean. Also on that note, because it’s a TPR/Silicone blend there is a likely chance it may tear during use, as such I suggest you be rather gentle with it.

*If you want a stronger vibration you can always remove the small bullet that comes with the product and insert another.

Final Verdict: If the thought of simple cock rings (i.e. non vibrating ones) just doesn’t suit your fancy, the products made by Screaming O might be a much better option; they’re very stretchy and easy to apply, affordable, vibrate and great for offering stimulation to both partners.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Ophoria V-Ring ReviewOphoria V-Ring

*update: the Ophoria V-Ring is no longer available.

If you’re looking for a vibrating cock ring that’s slightly higher quality than the Screaming O, one of the better options we’ve tried is the brightly colored and whisper quiet Ophoria V-Ring. Even though it’s not quite as stretchy as the previous product, this c-ring offers its users a much thinner ring that’s comfortable, easier to apply and quite a bit more user friendly.

Personal Experience

When in use my tester said it didn’t hurt, pinch or pull on his skin, nor did it leave him scared when it came time to remove it. Even though it’s not as thick as the Tantus or P.2. cock rings, it did a fantastic job when it came to maintaining an erection, with the little nubs on the inside allowing it to stay in place during intercourse.

He said the vibrations weren’t much to write home about, but that they did add an interesting sensation. He said that it held the condom in place nicely and kept the base from ‘creeping up’ as it has in the past. He said that that he’d use this again rather than the previous Screaming-O version.

Ophoria V Ring In Green The Good

Made of velvety smooth silicone that’s non porous, this ring is hypoallergenic, hygienic, odourless, easy to clean and care for, can be heated or cooled, and feels far superior to the material used for the Screaming O. On top of that it’s also reusable and comes with an extra set of batteries for future use.

Unlike the Screaming O Touch Plus, which required body to body contact or pressure to activate it, the V-Ring is push button activated and easily turns on with a gentle press on the side of the vibe, only turning off when the battery dies or you turn it off. As for the intensity, it’s similar to the Screaming O, being something that offers the added stimulation to penetration a person might need without being totally mind blowing. To be honest, neither of us really detected much difference between the power of the two – just that the quality of this vibrating cock ring was much higher. It’s also whisper quiet and not something I think anyone would hear in the next room.

*If you want a stronger vibration you can always remove the small bullet that comes with the product and insert another. Just keep in mind that because it’s made of silicone it’s not going to be as stretchy or supple as the Screaming O and the vibe may be a tad harder to insert.

Ophoria V RingThe V-Rings, like the vast majority of products Ophoria makes, come packaged respectfully, professionally and adorably with nothing on them that’s tacky, cheap or cheesy; just the list of benefits and features, what’s included (batteries, manual and product) and any warnings. These are definitely packaged like fun, exciting and high end goods.

As for care and cleaning; because it’s made of silicone I’d only suggest a good water-based lube as a silicone would likely ruin it. Since it’s non porous you can give it a good wash with soap and water, just make sure to remove the bullet before cleaning – while it is splash proof I don’t know that it’s entirely waterproof.

Final Verdict: If the sensation and experience offered by the Screaming O Touch Plus left you wanting something a bit more durable, body safe and easier to apply I highly suggest the Ophoria V-Ring. Between the ease of use and comfort it offered I think it’s a far better option.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


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Sex Ed 102 For The Beginner: Basic Cock Ring Options

If you’ve been following my posts on male sexual enhancement you should be fairly well versed on how to use a cock ring, the ins and outs of how erections work, ways to improve your stamina, the various oils, ointment, creams, and lotions available to help you last longer in bed. For this post I’m going to take things a step further and offer suggestions and mini reviews on a series of basic cock rings that would be good for beginners and experts alike.

Basic Cock Ring Options

*Side Note: I didn’t go into specific details about the experiences with them because they all managed to help the user maintain an erection and provided orgasms that were slightly ‘stronger’ or ‘more enjoyable’ than without. Instead the focus for this review was to cover the comfort level and ease of use.

3 cock ring set TPR/Silicone Cock Rings – 3 Piece Set

This 3 piece set is probably one of the most basic silicone cock ring collections you’ll find. While each of the rings are the same in regard to thickness, they are all different sizes (1.75”, 2”, 2.5”) and allow the user to try various options until they find one that works for them. In my opinion sets like this are great for those that aren’t very experienced with cock rings and don’t know which size suits their needs.

Personal Experience

My tester said he used the smaller one (1.75″) for use just around the base of his shaft and the larger one for use around the testis and shaft. He said he didn’t really use the mid sized one as it was too large for his shaft, but too small to fit around everything comfortably. He said that with a bit of lube they slid on comfortably, didn’t pinch or shift too much during use, were easy to remove, and for the most part helped him last a bit longer than usual.

The Good

Out of the package the rings start out rather firm with a bit of stretch and become more flexible with time and use. My personal suggestion is to take some time to stretch them out by hand, that way they’ll have a little more give during the application and possibly make the experience more comfortable. I’d also highly suggest the use of a good water based lube with these rings as they do create a bit of drag on the skin which will definitely get caught in pubic hair – trust me on this!! (even my testers didn’t listen and learned the hard way!).

The Bad

The ring may rub on the base of a condom and cause it to thin out and possibly break (speaking from experience) – again the use of good lube will help minimize the chances of this happening.

Final Verdict: If you’re looking for an affordable set that gives you a variety of options before spending the big bucks on something far better quality, the 3 ring set is definitely a decent option.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



Tantus Cock RingTantus Silicone C-Ring (1 3/4″)

For those of you that have a little bit more of a budget to play with, and also care about purchasing products that are body safe and much better quality, I’d highly suggest trying the Silicone C-rings made by the folks at Tantus.

Personal Experience

When I asked my tester about his experience with the advanced version he said it was “surprisingly comfortable”, that it felt “high quality, durable, sturdy and very supportive”, enjoyed the fact that there was no pulling of the skin, testis or pinching he’s often experienced with lesser brands, and that it was one he would highly recommend. He said it was relatively easy to put on and remove, and that while it was a rather foreign feeling that made him a bit wary, it was something he’d use again with confidence.

Having said that, of the three available (Beginner 2″ and Intermediate 1 7/8″) we opted for the Advanced C-Ring (1 3/4″) – with the larger versions likely being better suited for someone that’s new to this type of exploration. In retrospect, had we opted for a larger one I think he would have had a much more pleasurable experience.

The Good

Not only are they thicker, sturdier, phthalate and latex free, hypo allergenic, hygienic, non-toxic, non porous, easy to care for and clean – they’re also far better suited for the job than the thin versions you’ll find in the silicone 3 piece set previously mentioned.

Measuring around 3/4″ inches in width (I’m not talking diameter here, I’m talking the width of the actual silicone) these rings really provide the type of support needed to comfortably house a set of balls and an erect penis. They are by no means cheap or flimsy – if you’re looking for quality, you’ve found it.

The Bad

To be honest, there wasn’t anything bad with the Tantus c-ring.

Final Verdict: If quality, ease of use and body safe products are your forte you’ll likely find the Tantus C-Rings a welcome addition to your collection.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars


Tantus C-Sling

When it comes to cock rings solely designed to stimulate the , it’s hard to think of a better product than the ones created by Tantus. From the velvety smooth silicone to the sturdy and durable yet flexible design, these rings truly are high end.

Personal Experience

One of the main things that made the C-Sling a favourite of my tester was the fact that the hole was rather wide, allowing him to fit everything (balls/shaft) inside and experience no discomfort. Aside from that, the ring, which is rather thick, does thin out on the sides providing a bit more support where the tester said he needed it most, on the top and bottom. He said it slid on very comfortably, was relatively squishy and easy to maneuver, didn’t hurt or pull on the skin, was easy to remove and fit surprisingly well. He said the pointed end offered an interesting sensation, one that at first took a bit of getting used to, but once he was settled felt pleasurable.

The Good

As many of you will likely notice from the picture, this ring is quite different from the others in this beginners guide; the triangular portion is designed to snugly fit behind the balls and offer stimulation to the wearer’s perineum (the area between the balls and anus, or the “taint”). If you wanted you could also turn it so the point was above the shaft (pointing towards the belly button) which would provide a firm surface for your partner to rub against, though my tester said it wasn’t the most comfortable experience for him.

The rectangular box it comes in is just like the product; professional, respectfully designed and high end in appearance. By no means is it cheap, cheesy or tacky. For those that are into reusing, the foam insert meant to cradle the product can be removed to allow more room for possible storage of condoms, lube and batteries.

Since it’s made of high quality silicone I suggest using a good water based lube as a silicone will likely ruin it. As for cleaning simply wash it with antibacterial soap and water, boil it, or bleach it with a 10% solution for total sterilization.

Because the silicone used is velvety it doesn’t create any drag on the skin, doesn’t pull on pubic hair (maybe a tiny bit, but nothing compared to the others), and doesn’t attract lint either. Sample lube is included, along with user guide and care instructions.

The Bad

The only issue I see most having with the Tantus C-Sling is figuring out which position works best and then getting used to the feeling of having something either stimulating their taint or pressing into their lower abdomen. Because it’s silicone and not made of something firm it does offer some cushioning which helps.

Final Verdict: If you’re looking for a high end product that not only helps you maintain an erection but also stimulates other areas (the taint) then the Tantus C-Sling is a pretty fantastic option. Not only are they very well designed and made of body safe silicone, it’s exceptionally comfortable and easy to apply/remove.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars


Trine Steel 3 Piece Metal Cock Ring Set

While I’m not the biggest supporter of metal cock rings (I’ve seen some of the damage they can do if used incorrectly), I do understand that there are people who are well versed with them and look to expand and explore the options available. Having said that, I would only suggest these for those of you that are very experienced, know what you’re doing, and are prepared to handle a situation should it go wrong (i.e. you can’t get soft and therefore cannot remove the product on your own).

With the 3 piece set there’s a few options for use; wear just one of them, whether it’s behind the balls or just at the base of the shaft. Use two at a time with one behind the shaft or at the base of the penis and another around the balls. Or use 3 at a time, one behind the shaft, one at the base of the penis, and one around the balls (pictured below left). Though admittedly that third option may be a bit too much for most.

The Good

The packaging is simple, straight forward, basic and although it’s not the most discreet (it says “cock ring” on the front), it’s also not tacky, cheesy, cheap or distasteful. Sure, it’s probably not something you’d likely want someone to find, but considering your just going to throw it in the recycling bin (or garbage) who cares.

Cleaning is simple since the product is metal, just wash with an anti bacterial soap and water, then rinse well. As for lubes I’d personally suggest a good water based lube, you could use any kind that you wanted but I figure that if there is a problem, a water based would like wash off your hands easier allowing you to grasp the product without your fingers sliding everywhere.

The Bad

Using metal cock rings can pose potential dangers if not used carefully. Since metal rings are rigid and non-flexible, it’s crucial to ensure that the ring fits properly before use. If the ring is too tight, it can restrict blood flow, leading to discomfort, pain, or in a worst case scenario, injury. Metal rings can also be difficult to remove in the event of swelling, making it important to choose the right size and monitor usage time. Not using them properly may lead to them getting stuck which could require medical intervention. For safety, always follow guidelines, start with adjustable or flexible rings, and avoid prolonged use to prevent complications.

Personal Experience

One of the things my tester liked about the steel 3 piece metal cock ring set was the fact that they were sturdy rather than squishy, which gave him something to grip and get his nails behind when it came time for removal. They’re also surprisingly light, smooth, comfortable, easy to apply with the help of a little lube, and do a fantastic job of limiting circulation since they have no give or squish. He said it they a bit of weight behind them, but not enough to make his cock feel weighed down. Sliding it to the base of his shaft was easy enough, though he didn’t want to chance placing it behind his balls (there was a fear he might lock off). He said there was minimum damage done to the condom and that the one he used stayed in place better than any of the silicone versions. While it wouldn’t be his first choice for use, he did say he’d use it again.

Final Verdict: If you’ve tried all the other options available and still find the level of support coming up short (no pun intended) you might want to give metal cock rings a try.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars (there’s not much to complain about with metal, just the safety issues – but if you’re careful and know what you’re doing you shouldn’t have to worry).


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