Archive | September, 2014

Giveaway: Rhino by Traz

After posting my written review for the Rhino by Traz penis extender the folks at the company got in touch and generously offered one to giveaway as a way of saying thanks… so if you’ve been looking to get your hands on one of the very best penis sleeves around, FOR FREE, now’s your chance!

The contest is open to Canada and the U.S. and includes your choice of sleeve. Not sure which one is for you; if you’re looking for something slender and easy to handle, snag a Sleek. Want a sleeve that’s not too big, nor too small? A Genesis is the way to go. Looking to go all out, balls to the wall badassery? You need a Stampede.

Traz Rhink SleekTraz Rhino GenesisTraz Rhino Stampede

Curious as to why I love them so? There’s a lot of reasons, but here’s the gist; they’re totally body safe, comfortable to wear and use, easy to put together, customizable to fit your personal needs, non-porous so they won’t absorb bodily fluids, lube, or bacteria (making them very easy to clean), come in 3 different diameters so you have a variety to choose from, can be used as a masturbation sleeve or to enhance other toys (dildos/vibes etc), have motion transfer technology so you feel every thrust, warm to body temperature quickly, adds both length and girth, and most importantly, they don’t require a strap or harness to stay in place. They’re the first of their kind, and are the very best design I’ve ever had my hands on. #truth

But enough of me trying to convince you. All I’m going to say is this, if you’ve ever been curious about having sex with a bigger penis, you need to try a Rhino by Traz. That’s all there is to it.

As for the contest, entering is easy; just follow the instructions below to gain entries and you could be the lucky winner!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Contests not really your thing? Not to worry, use code ‘KaraSutra‘ when checking out at and you’ll save 10% off your entire order! Don’t say I never do anything for you.

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 Traz Rhino Penis Sleeves

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