Sex FAQ’s – Q&A’s

question markAt the current date I receive between 20-40 questions a day from each of the sites I’m on (usually to a grand total of 50+), which more often then not, are variations of the same question. With that much mail it’s hard to keep up. And truthfully, no one wants to write the same thing over and over again.

In an attempt to make life easier for everyone, I created this Q&A section thinking it would allow me to keep you informed as well as answer your questions.

I want you all to know that I am doing this for you and the benefit of your safety, health, and the bettering of your sex lives. Feel free to use this page as a reference as often as you like.

If you have a question to ask and are afraid that it may be posted as part of my weekly articles, please know that I would NEVER let any of your names be known, nor would I post the origin of the question.  Just keep in mind the question you ask may be one that saves another from going through a painful or embarrassing experience.

On that note, reaching me is simple – just use the contact form at the bottom of the page.

*as I move content over from a previous website this page will continue to be a work in progress, so check back often as many new topics will be added on a regular basis.

Beginner Sex Questions

Pregnancy/ Contraception Questions

FAQ’s from Females

FAQ’s from Males

Misc Questions


If you have a question to ask and are afraid that it may be posted as part of my weekly blog posts please know that I would NEVER let any of your names be known, nor would I post the origin of the question.  Just keep in mind, the question you ask, may be one that saves another from going through a painful or embarrassing experience.

On that note, reaching me is simple – just use the contact form below.

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