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Sex Ed 102: Spermicides

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Sex Ed 102: Spermicides

Beginners Sex Guide: Spermicide Spermicides are contraceptive agents designed to kill or immobilize sperm before it can enter the uterus, helping to prevent pregnancy. Available in various forms such as gels, creams, foams, and films, spermicides are typically inserted into the vagina before sexual activity, often in conjunction with other barrier methods like diaphragms or condoms.

The active ingredient, most commonly nonoxynol-9, works by disrupting the sperm’s cell membrane, rendering it incapable of fertilizing an egg. Spermicides offer a non-hormonal option for contraception and are easily accessible over-the-counter, making them a convenient choice for individuals looking for additional protection.

However, spermicides come with potential risks and limitations. Nonoxynol-9 can cause irritation of the vaginal or rectal lining, increasing the likelihood of infection or discomfort for some users. Frequent use, particularly for anal sex or with those who engage in sexual activity multiple times a day, can lead to a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, due to the damage it may cause to mucosal tissues.

Additionally, when used alone, spermicides are less effective than other contraceptive methods, with a typical failure rate of around 21%. Therefore, it’s often recommended that spermicides be used in combination with other forms of contraception, like condoms, to maximize protection and reduce risks.

Since I create videos on the topic of being sexually educated I feel it is always important to inform you of all the pros AND cons when it comes to the decisions you make.

What is Nonoxynol-9?

N9 itself, it was originally thought that it could be used for the prevention of STD’s/STI’s however about 10 years ago it was discovered that spermicides actually INCREASE the chances of contracting infections like HIV by creating lesions on the layers of skin cells in the vagina or rectum walls, which can potentially facilitate infection. **remember what I said above, they “work by disturbing the cell membrane”

Not only that but there are other downfalls or potential dangers to using N9:

  • Nonoxynol-9 offers no protection against sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.
  • Nonoxynol-9 can damage the cells lining the rectum providing entry for HIV and other STD/STI’s
  • If used regularily Nonoxynol-9 can increase a woman’s chances of contracting Bacterial Vaginosis
  • If used regularly there are increased chances of developing a yeast infection
  • There have been reports of vaginal bleeding after intercourse due to misuse of spermicides containing Nonoxynol-9
  • Increased chances of vaginal dryness or itching after use of spermicides.

The product is so bad for you that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) issued a final rule in 2007 that requires manufacturers of spermicidal products containing nonoxynol 9 to post the following warnings to its products; “N9 can irritate the vagina and rectum, which may increase the risk of getting HIV/AIDS from an infected partner

The CDC (Centre for Disease Control) conducted their own study to research the effects of N9 and found that it was ineffective in the prevention of STD’s and in fact increased the risk of transmission by 50% *report can be found here: CDC N9 Aids research

As I stated I have done my best with this video to remain non-judgmental, unbiased and factual. Having said that, my Sex Ed 102 article (linked below) will be biased.

Please always look at both sides of the coin before choosing to place something in or on your body. It will save you in the long run.

For more information about Spermicides check the following links:

Sex Ed 102: Are Spermicides Safe, World Health Organization: Nonoxynol-9 ineffective in preventing HIV infection, Centre For Disease Control Letter: Spermicides might increase the risk for HIV sexual transmission, Your Contraception: Spermicides.

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