#WTFWednesday: DIY Dildomaker

Dildo Maker by Francesco Morackini

I debated including this as part of #FunFindFriday because in my world a pencil sharpener turned Dildomaker is seriously fun. Then my logical and rational sides kicked in, bringing me continuously back to a big ‘ol wtf?

Hot Dog Dildo - DIY Dildo MakerI’m probably wrong, but I think I saw it in one of the Saw movies. If not, they should seriously consider the inclusion, it could do wonders for the franchise.

I’ll concede, it’s genius… in a very absurd way.  Just think how exciting boring rainy days could be! Scrap booking would be a thing of the past.  Grocery shopping would take on a whole new life. Moreover, you’d never have to buy a sex toy again, especially with all the options; everything would basically become a penis in waiting.

Though to be honest, the actual thought of it makes me squirm; no matter how many times I try not to, I can’t help but think of an actual penis in a pencil sharpener; the blade spinning, slicing, and reshaping it to a generalized perfection. Yeah, not the best visual.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on who you are (I won’t lie, I do want one!), the Dildomaker is just a concept and not a real thing, yet.

Wooden Dildo - DIY Dildo MakerCreated by Francesco Morackini, the idea behind it is to “provide the users what they really want: “Pleasure” and moreover “sexual pleasure”. The Dildomaker is just a tool which doesn’t give pleasure directly. The distance created here on purpose, tries to raise questions on our relationship between us and manufactured products.”

Yeah, we get it Francesco, you’re smart and we’re not. Blabbity, blah, blah.

Candle Dildo - DIY Dildo MakerRegardless of how cool it is, and whether or not it’ll actually come to life at some point, the sad fact remains that just like every other sex toy, machine, technological advancement, or gadget, the novelty of the Dildomaker would eventually wear out its welcome, finding home on a dusty shelf tucked away in a cupboard somewhere… his Prohibition Kit on the other hand, now that’s another seriously kick ass invention. One that would likely see a lifetimes worth of use in my humble abode.

For those of you that want more info, head on over to the Cargo Collective website and take a look around.

Looking for even more wtf’ness? check out the seriously freaky Cyberflesh Mouth and BreastsThe Concubine and Mr.Jack – they’re even more hideous… in every way possible.

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